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译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇一

welcome to reading

1. a missing boy; a lost boy 一个失踪的男孩

2. conduct/carry out/make an interview 进行采访

3. be full of unsolved mysteries 充满未解之迷

4. today’s advanced science and technology 当今先进的科技

5. run into sth/sb =come across sth/sb偶然遇见

6. believe in the existence of aliens 相信外星人的存在

7. step up the research 加速研究

8. show interest in=show an interest in 对…感兴趣

9. go to sleep early/late 早睡/晚睡

10. stay out late 在外面呆得很晚

11. show up=turn up 出现

12. put on his favorite cd播放他最喜爱的cd

13. strange-looking creatures 样貌奇怪的生物

14. do/make research on sb.对…进行研究

15. rule out the possibility that+句子/of sth 排除…的可能性

16. look into…调查

17. make up a story/an excuse/a lie/ a dialogue 编造

18. take charge of 负责

19. find convincing evidence 找到令人信服的证据

20. according to 根据

21. make much progress 取得很大进步

22. be disappointed with sb; be disappointed at/about sth. 对…感到失望

23. search for other witnesses 寻找其他目击证人

word power to grammar

1. begin with 从…开始

2. carry out outer space explorations 进行外太空探险

3. launch sth into space 把…发射到太空

4. the first human to travel in space 第一个太空旅行者

5. so far=up to now直到现在

6. go on to do; 接着做另一事go on doing;继续做原来的事 go on with 继续某事

7. dream of doing sth 梦想做某事

8. come true 梦想等的实现

9. look like an aero-plane看起来象一架飞机

10. separate from 从…分离

11. pick them up把它们拾起; pick up some english学得一些英语; pick up the news收听新闻

12. take off their spacesuits;脱下航空服 (a plane)take off起飞; take a day off;休假一天

13. the solar system 太阳系

14. be connected to 与相关

15. many sunken ships许多沉船

16. chat in an internet chat room在网络聊天室聊天

17. take the underground 乘地铁


1. conduct a survey制作问卷调查

2. at a time;一次 at one time;曾经 at times; 有时at no time;决不 in no time立即

3. spanide…into;把…分成… separate …from…把…和…分开

4. avoid doing sth/sth 避免做

5. follow a rule 遵循规则

6. point out 指出

7. go shopping at smith’s 在smith店买东西

8. buy a new top 买一件外套

9. inappropriate questions 不恰当的问题

10. in the last/past few months 在过去的几个月里

11. greet sb in an appropriate manner 恰当地问候某人

12. in return 作为回应

13. shake hands with 和…握手

14. intend to do; be intended for; had intended to do=intended to have done打算做但没做

15. be included in the next issue 包含在下一期

16. ask questions in an order 一某一次序问问题

17. a number of questions;许多 the number of …的数目

18. draw a conclusion; come to a conclusion得出结论

19. arouse the students’ interest in doing…引起学生们做某事的兴趣

20. take measures/steps to do sth. 采取措施做…

21. the most popular activity最受欢迎的活动

22. be willing to do 甘心做

23. make recommendations 提出建议


1. in a remote area 在偏远地区

2. a man-like creature 一个长得象人的生物 3. run after 追赶

4. on average 平均 5. play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑

6. run with amazing speed and strength 以惊人的速度和体力奔跑

7. one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of yeti

8. make its way to…

9. be six feet tall with huge shoulders 六英尺高,宽大的肩膀

10. live on 继续存活

11. solve the mystery 解迷

12. exist ---没有被动结构

13. see sth with one’s own eyes 亲眼所见

14. leave out 删除

15. a description of sth 对…的描述

work book:

1. step up the train 2. only two weeks’ away

3. environmental problems

4. all sorts of information 5. look into the cause of the accident

6. be good at making up stories 7. stay out until midnight

8. be knocked down by a car 9. the largest animal on land/at sea

10. go missing 11. be said to be doing/to do/to have done

12. be covered with 13. build up one’s strength

14. believe in the existence of father christmas

15. according to his description 16. in one’s view

17. live on in deep oceans 18. play chess

19. develop one’s mind 19. die from/of aids

20. die of hunger/cold/sadness/sorrow 21. die of a wound

22. make up one’s mind to do 23. expect there to be a film

24. to my surprise; much to my surprise; to my great surprise

25. in the last few months; every few meters

26. attract a lot of attention

27. put away the books 28. the first two pages

29. due to the bad weather 30. be admitted to a famous university

31. start a toy firm on the internet 32. argue with sb about/over sth

33. in history 34. be moved by art

35. play with one’s emotions 36. have/take pity on sb; show pity to sb

37. it’s a pity that… 38. far too large

39. get away from the policemen 40. in the 1980’s

41. be attached to sb 爱慕,依恋 42. be seriously ill

43. be worried about terrorism 44. the outbreak of sars

45. shoot at 46. describe … as

47. at the thought of 48. watch news on the television

49. a faraway place 50. the other day

51. get hold of 52. be worn out

53. gather one’s strength 54. drag oneself along the road

55. run in all directions/run every direction 56. pat sb on the shoulder

57. what is going on

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇二

unit 1 school life in the uk

to introduce and develop the theme of school life

to identify the differences between school life in different countries

to develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning

to learn some words about school facilities

to learn about attributive clauses and how to use relative pronouns

to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task and a project

to form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

to learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

period 1 welcome to this unit

teaching objectives:

to introduce and develop the theme of school life

to develop listening and speaking by talking about life in the new school

to know more about classmates

teaching procedures:

1. brainstorming

2. listening and speaking

3. discussion

4. further discussion

5. introducing more information

6. writing

7. homework

period 2 reading

teaching objectives:

to develop the skills of skimming and scanning

to know about school life in the uk

to compare school life in the uk and in china

to form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. skimming

3. scanning

4. detailed reading

5. thoughts after reading

6. group work (problem solving)

7. introducing more information

8. homework

period 3 language focus

teaching objectives:

to understand new words and expressions and learn how to use them

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. review of the text

3. words to be studied and reviewed

4. phrases to be learned

5. sentences to be attended to

6. a word quiz

7. homework

period 4 word power

teaching objectives:

to learn some words about school facilities

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. warming up

3. words about school facilities

4. reading

5. discussion

6. writing

7. group work (problem solving)

8. homework

period 5 project

teaching objectives:

to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a project

to learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. background education in the us

3. starting a project

4. planning

5. preparing

6. producing

7. homework

period 6 grammar and usage (1)

teaching objectives:

to learn about attributive clauses ( with that, which, who, whose)

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. review of the text

3. searching for attributive clauses in the text

4. learning grammatical structure of attributive clauses with that, which, who, whose

5. identifying attributive clauses in a passage

6. practice 1, 2, 3

7. homework

period 7 grammar and usage (2)

teaching objectives:

to learn about attributive clauses (with whom and without relative pronouns)

to practice more on the usage of attributive clauses

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. review of attributive clauses

3. learning grammatical structures of attributive clauses with whom and then those without relative pronouns

4. practice 1, 2, 3

5. homework

period 8 task

teaching objectives:

to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task

to develop the skill of comparing information

to develop the skill of reading a timetable and a notice

to learn how to write a notice

teaching procedures:

1. presentation of homework

2. introducing the task

3. skill building 1 and task 1

4. skill building 2 and task 2

5. skill building 3

6. homework

period 9 presentation of project

period 10 evaluation

unit 1 school life

第二板块 难点剖析


part a

a1 词语剖析


exciting : adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的

excited: adj. 兴奋的:处于激动状态的;

excite: v. 刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动

1. its so ____ to skate in pairs. everyone skates so fast and shouts at the top of his voice


2.she has many new ways to make her students ___________.


3. a successful speaker knows how to _________ the crowd.


key: exciting; excited; excite

2. experience

experience: [c] 经历,阅历

[u] 经验

v. .经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历

1. experience teaches; experience does it.


2. yesterday afternoon frank hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午,弗兰克.霍金斯给我讲述他年轻时的经历。

3. some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.有些大学生在进入大学之前体验过艰苦的生活。


1. jumping out of _______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience. (nmet , 26)

a. /; the b. /; an c. an ;an d. the ;the

2. some of the passengers told the reporters about their _____ in the burning train.

a. details b. trips c. events d. experiences

key: c; d

3. earn

earn v. 挣得,博得 earnings: n. 所得收入

earn one’s living 自行谋生

1. the workers earned less money because they had to pay medical insurance.


2. the old man earned his living as a fisherman.


3. as we know, it’s his honesty that earned the admiration of his friends.


4. it’s said that a persons intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings.


earn , gain , win

earn 指为钱(或任何其他报酬)而工作,含有报酬是应得的含义。

win 指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜, 并可能由此得到奖赏。


1. he has________ a lot of money by working part-time job.


2. he wants to ___a trip to europe in that competition, but he will be happy if he gets a new bicycle.


3. she ______ enough experience while working for the newspaper.


key: earned; win;

4. respect

n.(与of,for 连用)尊敬, 敬重;
方面 respectful adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的

问候 respectfully adv. 尊敬地, 谦恭地

in some/all/few/respects 在一些/所有/极少方面

vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍

1. we should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。

2. the students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史教师。

3. please give me respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。

4. respect yourself, or no one else will. 人必自敬,然后人敬之。

5. the words such as “ respectfully,yours” can often be seen at the end of the letter. 信的末尾经常写上类似“respectfully,yours”的字眼以表尊敬。

6. in what respect do you think he is worth praising? 在哪些方面你觉得他值得表扬?


i’m sure she will do as she promised; i’ve got great _________ her.

a. respect for b. respects of c. honor of d. faith in

key: a

5. achieve

v. 完成, 达到 achievement: [u] 完成,达到;
[c]成就, 功绩

make achievements 获得成绩,取得成就

1. we may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our english study when we are able to say something simple in english。当我们可以说点儿简单的英语交谈时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感。

2. the success of the experiment proves that we have made great achievements in the study of rocket. 那个实验的成功证明我们在火箭方面的研究取得很大成就。

3.the university has achieved all its goals this year. 这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。


jack london worked very hard and finally he _______ his goal.

a. made b. found c. developed d. achieved

key: d

6.used to do

used to do 过去常常做某事

be used to do 被用来做。。。

be/get used to doing sth./ sth. 习惯于/开始习惯于做。。。

there used to be 某地过去有某物


1.there _________ a swimming pool in our town. 我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。

2.in our school, candles ____ give light when electricity is cut off. 在我们学校,停电时,就用蜡烛来照亮。

3.i _________ traveling by air and only on one occasion have i ever felt frightened.


key: used to be; are used to;
am used to

7. challenge

challenge n./v. 挑战 challenging adj. 引起挑战性兴趣的

1. he challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。

2. the present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。

8. free

adj. 免费的;

a free meal. 免费的一餐 for free 免费的 free time 空闲时间

1.the girl gave her mother a free dress once a week! 这个姑娘每周`给她妈妈一件免费的衣服。

2.all the books were given away free. 所有的书都免费赠送。


prepare: v准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 preparation: n. 准备, 预备

prepare for…/prepare…for… make preparations for

be prepared for

1. working on a part-time job can prepare them for a future career.


2. will you help me prepare for the get-together of the old classmates?


3. preparations for the top government officers visit are almost complete.



1. he was _________ to do anything to save the local people.他已经做好一切准备来抢救当地群众。

2. the team __________ themselves for defeat. 这个队心理上已经做好了接受失败的准备。

key: prepared; has prepared


开心 adj. funny 有趣的,可笑的

for fun寻找乐趣;
不是认真的 make fun of 捉弄

1.theres no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思。

2.i felt unhappy whenever i was made fun of. 无论何时被人嘲笑,总让我不好受。

3..fifty years ago , wealthy people would rather hunt wild animals for fun than go sightseeing .五十年前,人们宁愿捕杀野生动物来寻开心也不愿意外出观光。


1.“mr alexander doesnt just write____; in fact, writing is his bread and butter.”


2. mary realized she ________.

a. was playing a joke about b. was making fun

c. was being make fun of d. was made fun

key: for fun; c

11. drop

v. 1放弃;
滴下, 落下 n. 滴;

drop sb. a line 写封短信 drop in on sb. 造访某人 drop in at some place 造访某地

1. he seems to have dropped most of his friends. 他好像与大多数的朋友不再来往了。

2. he lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。

3. a drop of ink may make a million think.(george g byron)一滴墨水写成的文字可让千万人思索。(拜伦)

4.don’t forget to drop me a line when you are free! 有空时写封信给我!

5.sorry, we are late-we drop in at a pub on the way! 不好意思迟到了,我们中途去了一趟酒吧。


1.the headmaster asked me to _________ him at his office. 校长让我去他办公室。

2. __________ when you have time.有空时写封信给我。

3. i want to _______ out of math class, which is too hard for me. 我不想上数学课,它对我来说太难了。

key: drop in on; drop me a line; drop

12. miss

v. 错过;
失去; 想念;

miss doing sth. 想念/错过做某事

1. he threw the ball to me, but i missed it and it landed on the ground. 他把球扔给我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。

2. being too tired, he narrowly missed crashing into the tree. 太累了,他差一点撞到树上。

3.im sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我相信每个人都会怀念他。


my mind wasn’t on what he was saying so i’m afraid i ______ half of it.(nmet , 30)

a. was missing b. had missed c. will miss d. missed

13.the way to do 做。。。的方式

the way to do sth.

=the way of doing sth.

=the way (that)

1. unluckily, we had no way to prove he was stealing money. 不幸地,我们无法证明他在偷钱。

2. there is no way of getting in touch with her. 无法与她取得联系。

3. we feel shame of the way you talked with the old man. 我们为你与那位老人说话的方式感到羞耻。


1. what is the way george thought of ______ enough money to buy the house?

a. to get b. getting c. having got d. being got

key: a

14. someday=some day

15 regret

regret n.遗憾, 悔恨, 抱歉, 歉意 without regret. 毫无遗憾地

vt. 为...感到遗憾, 后悔, 惋惜, 哀悼, 懊悔

vi. 感到抱歉

much to my regret, i am not able to accept your invitation. 令我遗憾的是

her regret was that she never had the chance of seeing him. 遗憾的事


regret to do 很遗憾地要做。。。

regret doing: 为已经做的事后悔


1. i _________(tell)you that you’re not fit for the job. 很遗憾地告诉你

2. to this day i do not _____________(make)the remark. 后悔做了某事

key: regret to tell; regret having made

part b

16. develop

develop v. 发展, 发达;洗印, 显影 developing: adj. 发展中的

development: n. 发展 developed: adj. 发达的

1.how can you believe that he developed that small scale shop into a worldwide business!


2.at university he developed a good habit of reading loudly in the morning.


3. can you develop the film yourself?



whether it’s a ______ or ______ country depends on the living standard of the common people。


developing; developed

16. donate

donate: v. 捐赠, 赠予 donation n. 捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献

donate …to… 把。。。捐赠给。。。

the businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.


17. close

v. 关, 关闭, 结束, 停止, 使靠近, 靠拢, 会合, 包围

n. 结束

adj. 近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的

adv. 接近, 紧密地

1. i live close to the shops. 我住得离商店很近。

2. how close parents are to their children has a strong effect on the character of the children.父母与孩子有多亲近对孩子的性格有很大影响。

3. as everyone knows, karl marx and engels were close friends. 众所周知,马克思和恩格斯是一对密友。

注意:close , closely的区别



1. come ______ . i want to tell you something secret. .

2. the police is watching the bank _____.

key: close closely


(1 )形容詞短语:

be happy with 因。。。感到开心 be challenging for 对。。。有挑战

get interested in 对。。。感兴趣

(2 )动词短语

sit next to 坐在。。。旁边 sound like 听起来像 graduate from 从。。。毕业

donate… to …把。。。捐赠给。。。

tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 achieve high grades 获得高分

make a speech 做演讲 develop an interest 养成一种兴趣

(3 )介词短语

than usual 比通常 for free 免费 at lunchtime 在午餐时 at first 起初

on the school field 在操场上

[即学即用] 请你做课本第78页a2试试吧!


1. with;

2. to, at ;

3. like;

4. to, at;

5. on;

6. for;

7. about;

8. at;

9. on, on

14. 词形变化

1. enjoy v. 欣赏,喜爱 enjoyable: adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的

2. achieve v. 获得 achievement n. 成就,功绩

3. prepare. v. 准备 preparation n. 准备,预备

4. experience v. 体验 experience. [c] 经历 [u]经验

experienced. adj. 富有经验的

5.help v 帮助 help n. 帮助 helpful adj. 有帮助的

6. introduce v. 介绍 introduction n. 介绍

7. develop v. 发展 development n. 发展 developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的

8. donate v . 捐赠,赠予 donation n.捐赠品,捐款

9. display v . 陈列,展览 display n. 陈列,展览

10. please v 使。。。喜欢 pleasure n. 愉快;

pleased adj. 高兴的,满足的 pleasing adj. 令人高兴的,合意的

[即学即用] 请你做课本第78页a1试试吧!


4. enjoyable

5. experience

6. challenging

7. e-mails

8. funny

9. drop

10. exciting

11. helpful


part a

1.… it was difficult to remember all the faces and names.(page 2, line 18)


it 做形式主语。在这种名词性从句中为了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放到后面,尤其是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语.此句也可以改写为:to remember all the faces and names was difficult.


1. _______ is a fact that english is being accepted as an international language.

a. there b. this c. that d. it

2. ________ worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.

a. that b. it c. what d. there

3. i like ______ is the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (nmet2004, 27)

a. this b. that c. it d. one


1. d 2. b 3. c

2.i found the homework was not as heavy as what i used to get in my old school…(page 2 , line 20)


1) 在以前学过的表示比较的句子中,as 或than 后接的多数是名词或代词来担任比较状语。


the elephant is much heavier than the horse. 象比马重。

本句是 what i use to get in my old school 是由从句担任比较状语。


you are as sweet as sugar. the situation is not so bad as you suggest.



the important thing is what you do, but not what you say. 重要的是你做什么,而不是说什么。

what make school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. (上海春季,33)使学校引以为豪的是90%以上的学生被重点大学录取。


1. a computer can only do _________ you have instructed it to do.

a. how b. after c. what d. when

2. perseverance(坚定) is a kind of quality ---- and that’s _________it takes to do anything well.

a. whatb. that c. which d. why

3.after yang li wei succeeded in circling the earth, _______ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space.(上海 2004,37)

a. where b. what c. that d. how

4.no one can be sure _____ in a million years.

a. what man will look like b. what will man look like

c. man will look like whatd. what look will man like(91)


1) c 2) a 3) b 4)a

part b

3. upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in china.


注意on / upon doing sth. = as soon as 引导的从句。作此意讲时on / upon后也可以接名词。如on his arrival…。

on hearing the news, he burst into tears. 一听到这个消息,他放声大哭起来。


1. ______________(一看到这则消息), i immediately rang to see if i could help.

key: on reading the news

第三板块 语法讲练







1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:

is he the man who/that wants to see you?


he is the man whom/ that i saw yesterday.


2) whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换), 例如:

they rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。

3)which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如:

a prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语)

the package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)


代替人 代替物 代替人或物

主语 who which that

主语 whom which that

宾语 whose(=of whom) whose(=of which)

1. 语法专练

1. 请完成书上p11 练习!


1) which 2)whose 3)who 4)whom/who 5) who 6) which 7) who 8) which/that 9) who

2. 单选:

1. the house _________ the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.

a. that b. where c. what d. when

2 .the book ______ cover is broken, is not mine.

a. which b that c whose d of which

3. i met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon _____ could speak chinese very well.

a. who b. which c. when d. he

4.this is mr smith, ____ i think has something interesting to tell you.

a . who b whom c. that d. x

5. the radio set ___ last week has gone wrong.

a.i bought it b. which i bought it c.i bought d. what i bought

6. in the police station i saw the man from ___ room the thief had stolen the tv set.

a. whom b. which c. that d. whose

7. .his parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ____ family was poor.

a. that b. whom c. of whose d. whose

8. a football fan(球迷) is _____ has a strong interest in football.

a. a thing that b. something that c. a person who d. what

9. a child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.

a. who b. who’s c. whose d. which

10. he made another wonderful discovery ____ of great importance to science.

a. which is b. which it is c. who is d. it is

11. those ___ _____ break the rule will be punished.

a that b who c they d whom

12. do you still remember the days ______ we spent together then?

a when b during which c / d on which

13. 1) do you know the girl _________ is talking with the director?

2) do you know the girl _________ the director is talking with?

3) i like the flowers __________ you bought for me very much.

key: 1-5 acaac 6-10 ddcca 11-12. bc 13. that/who ; whom/who ; which/that

第四板块 单元演练

i 单选

1. mother is _____ supper and the rest of the family are sitting at the table _____ it.

a preparing, prepared b preparing, prepared for

c preparing for, preparing d prepared for, preparing for

2. businessman as he is, his main goal is not only to _______ a profit(利润).

a. earn b. challenge c. introduce d. develop

3. in our town, wood can ___________ a fire.

a. be used to make b. be used to making

c. use to make d. used to making

4. i _______ your making desserts after lunchtime.

a. miss b. prepare c. donate d. regret

5. joe jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to ____ out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.

a.leave b. drop c. fall d. go

6. the students at colleges or universities are making ______ for the coming new year.

a. many preparations b. much preparation c. preparation d. preparations

7. although it was really a difficult task, he decided to try his best to_______ success.

a. challenge b. host c. approve d. achieve

8 the boss ______ company i worked in two years ago has _________ in solving such kind of problem.

a. whose; many experiences b. who; many experiences

c. whose; much experience d. which; much experience

9. i don’t like _______ you speak to her.

a. the way b. the way in that c. the way which d. the way of which

10. which sentence is wrong?

a. the professor lives in the room whose windows face south.

b. don’t enter the house its roof has been destroyed in the hurricane.(飓风)

c.we prefer the students who like challenging themselves.

d. i still remember the name of the village we visited last year.

11.charlie brown is a ______ boy ____ has a dog and there are many stories of a lot of ______ happens between them.

a. funny; who; fun b. fun; he; fun

c. funny; he; fun d. fun; who; funny

12. dr. kelly walked ______ to the window to watch ________ the short man shopping on the street.

a. close; closely b. closely; close

c. close; close d. closely; closely

13. marie curie paid no attention _____ the prize that she won because of her achievements in physics.

a. to b. of c. about d. from

14. ----- i would join a party tonight!

----- _____________!

a. for free b. have fun

c. good luck! d. don’t come back too late!

15. i found the homework was not so heavy as ______ i _____ to get in my old school.

a. that; was used b. what; used c. which; used d. that; used

ii 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:

earn respect pay attention to inform… of… on doing…

make preparations donate …to… graduate from develop recent

1. i would achieve higher grades if i ____ more ___________ the rules and requirements.

2.after _________ university, he began to earn his living by editing programmes.

3.things got so bad ________that he decided to go on a diet. recently

4. with hard work, she _________ into a great writer.

5. the works that guo moruo ___________ are being displayed in the assembly hall.

6. the sales manager asked his men to ______ him ____ everything about the sales in time.

7. he has never done enough __________for his examinations.

8.______________(hear) that familiar song, he couldn’t help dancing to the music.

9. give my _______ to your mother, please.

10. he has spent all his ________, so he has to borrow from all of his friends to live through the rest days.

iii 动词适当形式填空:

experience achieve challenge prepare broadcast introduce continue respect please regret

1.have you _______ yoga? it’s really ___________ to learn from that _________ teacher!

2. mother is busy in the kitchen, ____________ for the dinner.

3.it’s really a _______ role for him

4. german is a _________ country, while china is a ________ country.

5.were ___ to listen to her __ voice.

6.you can hear the programme __________ every wednesday. don’t miss it!

7. let me ____ myself first, my name is jason.

8. according to the weather report, the weather will _________ fine till this weekend..

9. the success of the experiment proves that we have made great ______________ in the study of computer.

10. to our _________, the japanese never feel _________ for what they did in the second war.

iv 中译英



3. 因为每天花几个小时读英语,我的英语进步了很多。

4. 要放弃自己喜爱的科目很难。


v 完形填空:20

at first i couldn’t believe it! there were no 1 in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to class. although we all lived “in”, nobody made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “lights out”.

the 2 thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. only the new people stayed up or 3 class. the new ones always went wild 4 , but this never lasted long. the 5 took some getting used to. our teachers treated us like 6 ; never did we have to 7 “stand up”, “sit down” , “speak out”. i don’t 8 one student who didn’t try his best.

the subjects were the same as those in 9 school, but what a difference in the approach! for example, in botany we had 10 classes in the spring or fall, but instead we 11 two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. 12 in winter we each studied a few 13 things about what we had grown. in math the students built three different kinds of storeroom-small ones 14 , but usable. they did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. they really had a 15 time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, 16 the angles and so on . i didn’t take math. i can’t stand it! besides, i could do the basic things with numbers. that’s 17 .

18 i think i am a better person for having gone to the school. i can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and i can think better. that’s probably a real big 19 between the free school and regular school-the amount of 20 .

1. a. desks b. lights c. students d. buildings

2. a. sad b. last c. good d. strange

3. a. attended b. took c. missed d. studied

4. a. from then on b. just then c. once more d. just then

5. a. freedom b. habit c. time d. people

6. a. workers b. pupils c. gardeners d. grown-ups

7. a. understand b. study c. play d. say

8. a. hear from b. feel like c. think about d. know of

9. a. night b. regular c. small d. real

10. a. all b. short c. no d. indoor

11. a. planted b. studied c. drew d. toured

12. a. still b. then c. yet d. next

13. a. wild b. successful c. usual d. particular

14. a. as well b. after a while c. of course d. as a result

15. a. funny b. great c. convenient d. thoughtful

16. a. looking out b. taking out c. finding out d. figuring out

17. a. dull b. interesting c. enough d. dangerous

18. a. on the whole b. once again c. sooner or later d. after a while

19. a. problem b. chance c. difference d. change

20. a. reading b. gardening c. teaching d. thinking

vi 选词填空:15

experience immediately literature average extra drop poet generation on of with lucky help miss use title

it is not a new thing to ______ the way ____ life in other countries. three years ago i came to england for further study. _____ landing at the airport, i couldn’t help ________ china! ______, my roommate, a girl who was interested in ________, was very ________ and helped me get ________ to the new life soon. besides learning, we often went to attend a speech ______ “shakespeare and his tragedies” in our ______ time.

vii 阅读理解 20%

( a )

although there are no state controlled survival courses in britain or the united states, there are various independent organizations offering similar activities.

students can participate ( take part ) in outdoor training courses through university clubs and societies . anyone can register ( 登记 ) with such groups, which then organize courses ,training and trips for all members .

one of the most popular outdoor training programmes in both the us and britain, is outward bound ( 户外训练 ). it was founded in 1941 in wales and attracts hundreds of thousands of adventurous types every year.

the courses are to broaden minds through experiences that build confidence, self-esteem ( 自尊 ) and character. as well as specialist courses such as canoeing, leadership skills and sailing, participants can take part in week long adventure training camps which include a host of sports and survival training education skills.

michael williams, an american student, took part in an outward bound course last year. he said: “we learned lots of first aid skills, lots of natural history, lots of environmental facts , and participated in a wildlife preservation ( protecting ) programme. beyond that, my favorite skills learned were sailing and rock climbing.”

courses can last up to 40 days and are open to anyone over the age of 14. students must be in general good health, but do not need to be experienced in outdoor-sports. there is no selection process; everyone is welcome, although new participants are advised to pick a course matching their physical power.

most of the british courses take place in the beacons in wales. another similar organization is the uk survival school, which includes courses on learning to live with the environment, sailing and winter survival. on a basic survival weekend students will learn how to get water and food, how to make fire and cook with it, to find and build a shelter, control survival life support, how to cross rivers, send off an sos signal, and to use compasses by day and night.

according to the leaders, such adventures are “an awakening, an exploration into unknown.” outward bound believes that participants will “use mind and body traveling some of the earth’s roughest wildness areas.”

( )1. the advantage of the training courses is that _________ .

a. participants can make friends with others

b. participants can visit some places of interest

c. participants can experience different adventures

d. participants can learn how wonderful nature is

( )2. in the outward bound course last year , the most exciting experience michael williams had was _________ .

a. learning first aid skills b. collecting facts of environment

c. preserving wildlife d. rock climbing and sailing

( )3. what’s the writer’s purpose to write this passage?

a. to introduce the training course to readers.

b. to persuade readers to take part in the training courses.

c. to tell readers the danger of this training course.

d. to introduce the wonders of the world to readers.

( b )

many chinese students who have learnt english for more than ten years are still unable to speak english very well when they meet a foreigner. they seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in english will make them feel uneasy. they are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.

its uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of english can write english perfectly. this proves that they are unable to organize their idea in english. the center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence (自信).

why should you be afraid? do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? dont be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. the best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. i am sure that constant practice will help you succeed.

4. whats the best topic for the passage?

a. how to speak to foreigners

b. how to study english well

c. how to organize the idea in english

d. practise speaking english all the time

5. many chinese students can write english very well, but they cannot speak english fluently because

a. they seldom meet foreigners

b. they seldom practise speaking english

c. they had no chance to speak english

d. they think its enough to master the basic language structure only

6. so many chinese students are afraid speak to foreigners because

a. they are afraid they cant understand foreigners

b. they dont think their english is poor

c. they worry about making mistakes in their speaking

d. they didnt tike speaking to foreigners

7. according to the passage, which of the following is not true?

a. we can speak english fluently by doing more speaking.

b. if you can write english perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in english.

c. if you can write good english composition, you can speak english very well.

d. any chinese students cant speak english fluently because they are afraid of making mistakes.

8. in the last paragraph, the expression “get rid of” means_______.

a. throw away b. free oneself from

c. give up d. do with

viii 作文 10%








生词:才艺大赛 --- talent show 学生会--the student union


i 单选:

1~5 c a a a b 6~10 d d c a b 11~15 a a a b b


1. paid… attention to

2. graduating from

3. recently

4. developed

5. donated to

6. inform…of

7. preparations

8. on hearing

9. respects

10. earnings

iii 动词适当形式填空:

1. experienced; an experience; experienced

2. preparing

3. challenging

4. developed; developing

5. pleased; pleasing

6. broadcast/broadcasted

7. introduce

8. continue

9. achievements

10. regret; regretted

iv 中译英

1. the government approved the new building plans.

2. i am pleased to experience a different way of life.

3. my english improve a lot as i spent several hours reading english every day.

4. it’s hard to drop some subjects which you like.

5. we regret to inform you that science laboratory will be closed next thursday.

v 完形填空:

1~5 adcba 6~10 dcdbc 11~15abdcb 16`~20 dcacd

vi 选词填空:15

experience; of; on; missing; luckily; literature; helpful; used; titled; extra

vii 阅读理解

1~3 c d a 4~8 dbcca

viii 作文

may i have your attention, please? i am happy to inform you that a high school students’ talent show will be held in changzhou television station on august 20th. this is really a good chance to show your singing , dancing, hosting and different talents. if you would like to have a try, you’ll have to go to the student union to sign up before the end of july.

thanks for your kind attention!

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇三

module2 unit1 reading

shaxi senior high school, jiangsu

li jingyan


boy missing, police puzzled duration:

45mins teaching aid:

computer, projector and handout

period: 1st period class: class7, senior 1

learning objectives:

to learn some new words

to grasp the outline of the passage

to develop the students’ ability to collect and organize information in the process of reading

to cultivate the ability of making a newspaper article and giving a short oral presentation. teaching objectives:

to ensure that the instructions for each session are clear and that the students are motivated

to offer help and guidance when necessary

content purpose

pre-task brain storm

1. present two short news reports

2. features of a newspaper title and article 1. to create the atmosphere that class begins.

2. to arouse the previous information on news.

while-task 1. complete the title

2. find out six features of this newspaper article

3. complete table 1 and learn some new words and expressions

4. magic cube-to face the challenge in the cube (choose one word and answer the questions, then get proper points) 1. to know the title’s features

2. to develop the skimming and scanning abilities.

3. to help ss draw the outline of the whole text and enlarge vocabulary and enhance the ability of guessing when they meet with some new words in reading

4. to cultivate their ability of facing a challenge and develop their practical ability

post-task 1. team work: write an ending report to the news

1. to cultivate the team spirit and ss’ imagination and practical ability.

assignment 1. read the text several times and finish c1 and d on page4

2. write a short news report. 1. to consolidate the understanding of the text

2. to put theories into practice

教学说明:本节课为新授第一课时,是导入及课文内容理解部分。以常用的任务型教学方法(task-based method)为中心,采用新闻报告的常规要点为切入口,从title和五个“w”一个“h”这几个方面来理解本文内容并构画出新闻报道清晰的框架结构。通过表格的形式来了解文章的outline并初涉课文新授词汇。教学方法还是通过预测、略读和寻读等技巧了解课文内容。并以游戏的形式来深层了解和巩固加强课文知识点并锻炼学生对新闻报道信息的有效捕捉能力。最后为学生设计了一个任务,开拓思维,锻炼学生的预测能力,并对新闻报道进行具体的实践练习。


1. 阅读技巧的落实。


2. 词汇理解


3. 魔方


4. 任务设计


5. 作业


persons investigated supporting details

justin’s parents his mother thought…spending…;
his father was …that…without telling anyone. they were…when justin didn’t …at…the next day

justin’s sister, kelly she heard her brother…home and …his favorite cd. at first, she thought the… light was that of the full moon, but then she…it was…and she saw a spaceship…outside and many…creatures with….then she heard justin…ufo…it is not a…

other witnesses

(two friends, some people in dover) friends said that justin went home after the game at about 11 pm.

someone said the…took justin away so that they could …him and such a …….had happened to himself. they show great … in humans.

police’s conclusion justin …in fact return home on friday night.

the …that justin was taken by…hasn’t been …out, but they are also……other…including…peterson, who…the case said they would not …until they found…evidence.

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇四

words and expressions

de v to give make sb do sth by giving them good reasons for doing it.说服,劝说;

persuade sb to do sth/ into doing sth劝服某人做某事

persuade sb out of doing sth劝服某人不要做某事

persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事

persuade sb that-clause 使某人相信

i persuaded him of its truth. 我使他相信这是真的。

i persuaded him to work hard. 我劝她努力工作

we persuaded him into taking the job. 我们说服她接受这份工作。

i persuaded my father out of smoking. 我劝服我父亲戒了烟。

i’m almost persuaded that he is honest. 我几乎相信他是诚实的。

persuasive adj.有说服力的 persuasion n. 说服

2. advertise

vt. 1) to make known; call attention to: 引起注意:使变得著名;

i advertised my intention to resign.渲染我要辞职的意向。

2) to warn or notify: 告诫,告知:

this event advertises me that there is such a fact as death.这件事告诫我有死亡这样的事实。

vi 1) to call the attention of the public to a product or business. 做广告:引起公众对产品或企业的注意

we advertised through the newspaper for the products of our factory.


2) to inquire or seek in a public notice, as in a newspaper:


he advertised for an apartment when he just arrived in this city.


advertisement n. 广告 advertiser n. 广告商 advertising n. 做广告;

meant to: to be done ormade for a particular purpose旨在,目的是

this public service advertisement is meant to increase people’s awareness of enviornmental protection.

4. innocent adj.

1) not guilty of a crime 无辜的,清白的,无罪的

she was found innocent of any crime. 她获判无罪。


innocent victims of a bomb blast 炸弹爆炸中的无辜受害者

3) 天真无邪的,纯真的

an innocent young child

innocence n.

n. 傻瓜,笨人

don’t be such a fool.

i felt a fool when i realized my mistake.

make a fool of sb 愚弄某人

act /play the fool 装傻,扮丑相

v. to trick sb into believing sth that is not true 欺骗愚弄

you don’t fool me. 别骗我。

fool sb into doing sth

don’t be fooled into thinking they’re going to change anything.别上当受骗,以为他们打算做出任何变化。

6. cure v.

1)to make sb healthy again after an illness治疗 n. 治疗方法

cure sth 治好…

cure sb of a disease 治愈某人的疾病

when i left hospital i was completely cured. 当我离开医院的时候,我已经痊愈了。

the doctor cured me of my headache.

antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal.


penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 青霉素治愈了他的肺炎。

2) to stop sb from behaving in a particular way. 矫正,纠正

cure sb of sth 治愈某人…纠正某人恶习

nothing can cure him of the bad habit.没有什么能纠正他的坏习惯

she tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit. 她想尽一切办法试图改掉她孩子的这个恶习。

cure n. a medicine or medical treatment 药,药剂;疗法

a cure for sth. 治疗…的方法

there is a cure for the common cold. …的治疗方法。

d adj.

1)feeling happy about sth高兴,满意,愉快

she was very pleased with her exam results.

i’m pleased to hear about your news.

i’m really pleased that you are feeling better now.

2)happy or willing to do sth 高兴,乐于

i’m pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.

pleasing adj. 令人满意的 a pleasing design/effect

pleasure n.

t n.

[c][u]sth you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains sb/sth注释,评注,批评,评论[(+on/about)]

he made no comments on our proposal. 他对我们的建议没有作评论。

vi. to express an opinion about做注解,做评注,评论 [(+on/upon)]

he did not comment on what i said. 他对我的话未作评论。

he commented that it was an excellent film. 他评论这电影很精彩。

no comment 无可奉告

9. fall

1) fall for sb : to strongly attracted to sb; to fall in love with sb 被某人所吸引,爱上某人

e.g. they fell for each other at first sight and got married six weeks later. 他们一见钟情,六个星期后就结婚了。

2) fall for sth: to be tricked into believing sth that is not true (轻易)相信某事

e.g. the salesman said the car was in good condition, and i was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这汽车状况

fall behind 落后 fall into the habit of 养成…习惯 fall in love with 爱上

n. 诡计, 恶作剧 v. 戏弄, 欺骗

trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事

he tricked me into giving him the money. 他骗我给他钱


1) play tricks on sb/ play jokes on sb 捉弄某人

2) make fun of sb 取笑某人

3) trick sb out of sth 骗走某人的……

4) play a trick/tricks on sb=play jokes on 开某人玩笑,捉弄某人

【例 句】

the kids often play tricks on the old man. 孩子们经常戏弄老人。

it’s immoral to play a trick on the disabled. 作弄残疾人是不道德的。

she was tricked out of all her savings. 她被骗走了所有的积蓄。

people make fun of her because she wears a strange hat.人们取笑她因为她戴了顶奇怪的帽

her partner tried to trick her out of her share. 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份

11. aim

n. the purpose of doing sth 目的,目标

she went to london with the aim of finding a job.

achieve one’s aim

v. 1)to try or to plan to achieve sth 力求达到,力争做到 (at/for)

the government is aiming at 50%reduction in unemployment.


2) to have sth as an aim 目的是,旨在

these measures are aimed to prevent the water in this river from being polluted.

3) to point or direct a weapon at sth 瞄准, 对准

i was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.

12. benefit

n. 利益, 好处; 恩惠; 退休金; 津贴; 救济金; 保险抚恤金 义演; 义赛

a public benefit 公益 be of benefit to the people 对人民有好处

disability benefits 残废抚恤金 a benefit match 义赛

this dictionary will be of great benefit to me. 这部字典将对我有很大裨益。

vt. to be good for 对…有益

exercise benefits our health. 运动有益于我们的健康。

vi. to get sth good from 得益于

we benefit by [from] daily exercises. 每天做操对我们有益。


for the benefit of 为了……的好处

give sb. the benefit of ones experience 用自己的经验[知识]帮助某人

in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病、失业等津贴)

out of benefit 没有资格得到救济金

sick benefit 疾病津贴

beneficial adj. be beneficial to 对…有益

13. promote vt.

1)to help sth happen or develop促进

promote economic growth/understanding

the government decided to promote public welfare. 政府决定发展公共福利。

2) to move sb to a higher rank or more senor job提升;

promote sb. to sth. 提拔某人/be /get promoted to 被提升为

be promoted to 被提升为…职位

he was promoted to a manager. 他被提升为经理。

3) to help sell a product or a service 宣传;

promote a product

this area is being promoted as a tourist destination. 这个地区正被推广为旅游点。

promotion n.提升, 晋级,推销活动/promoter n. 发起人, 筹办人

14. consult v.

1) to go to sb for information or advice (sb about sth) 咨询;

if the pain continues, consult your doctor. 如果疼痛持续不消退,请医生诊治。

2)discuss sth with sb to get permission for sth 商讨,商量

i need to consult with my colleagues on the proposal.我需要与我的同事商讨这些建议。

consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司

consultation n. 咨询,商讨,磋商

consulting room 诊疗室

end v. suggest; advise

recommend sb. sth.= recommend sth. to sb.

recommend sb./sth. for/as

recommend doing/ recommend sb. to do

recommend that sb. (should)

our teacher recommended us some new books on this subject.


my english teacher recommended a good dicionary to me.

我建议先见他。i recommend meeting him first.

i recommend her as your secretary.


the teacher recommended us to read the novel. =the teacher recommended that we (should) read the novel.

i recommend he should see a doctor. 我建议他去找个医生。

the old man should listen to the doctor’s recommendation that he stay in bed. 老人应听从医生卧床休息的建议。

16. bargain n.

1) a thing bought for less than the usual price 便宜货,减价品

the car was a bargain at that price. 那辆车价格真便宜。

2) an agreement between two or more people or groups 协议,交易。(with sb)

he and his partener had made a bargain to tell each other everything .他和他的合伙人约定互通有无,毫无保留。

finally the two sides struck a bargain = (reached an agreement).双方最终达成了协议。

v. to discuss prices, conditions, ect with sb in order to reach an agreement that is satisfactory 讨价还价,商讨条件

he said he wasn’t prepared to bargain. 他说他不愿意讨价还价。

bargain away 做亏本交易,贱卖

bargain hunter 减价品搜索者;
专买便宜货的人 bargaining power 谈判能力

bargaining n.


1)a result that you try to achieve 目标;

business goals and targets 经营的目的和指标

set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. 给自己制定有望达到的目标。

2) an object, a person or a place that people aim at when attacking (攻击的)目标,对象

he has become the target for a lot of criticism recently. 他最近成了众矢之的。


aim at a target 瞄准靶子 hit/miss the target 中/脱靶 target practice 射击练习

v. 1)to aim an attack or critism at sb/ sth 把……作为攻击目标;

the company has been targeted by animal groups for its use of dogs in drug trial.这家公司因用狗做药物试验而成为保护动物团体批评的对象。

2)to try to have an effect on a particular group of people 面向,瞄准

the campaign is clearly targeted on the young. 这场运动显然针对的是年轻人。

18..determine vt.

1) to decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.判定:结论性、权威性地决定或解决(纠纷等)

he determined to go. 他决意要去。

i am determined to do better than mike. 我决心比迈克做得更好。

he determined to go [that he (should) go] at once. 他决心立刻就走。

2) to cause (someone) to come to a conclusion or resolution.


he has not determined what he will study. 他还没有决定学什么。

his advice determined me to drink and smoke no more. 他的劝告使我决定不再抽烟喝酒了。

3) to be the cause of; regulate: 成为……的原因;

demand determines production. 需求决定生产

determine a date for a meeting 确定会议日期

4) to give direction to: 定向:指出方向:

the management committee determines departmental policy. 管理委员会决定各部门的政策

vi. 1) to reach a decision; resolve.解决,决定:作出决定;

they determined on an early start. 他们决定早些出发。

i have determined on [upon] going to the countryside after graduation.



determine sth 决定某事 determine (sb) to do sth. (使某人)决定去做某事

determine on (doing )sth 就……做出决定

determined adj. 有决心的,决定的(在句中常作定语或状语)


be determined to do sth 下决心/决定做某事 be determined +从句

be determined to do “决定做某事”, 侧重有决心的状态,可与表示一段时间的状语连用。

determined 过去分词作状语或定语。

we determined to get the work done before may day. 我们决定五一前完成这项工作。

we determined on an early start. 我们决定尽早出发。

determination n.决心


1) to make a urgent and serious request呼吁;

the government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

2) to make a formal request to a court of law. (常与to连用)上诉;

the victims families of the murder have appealed to the supreme court to have a definitive answer. 谋杀案的被害家属已经申诉最高法院作确切的答复。

he appealed against the judges decision. 他不服法官判决而上诉。

3) to attract or interest sb (常与to连用)吸引;

she appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。

bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。

does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?


n. 呼吁;
恳求; 吸引力,魅力

an appeal for forgiveness恳求原谅

the teacher listened to his appeal.老师倾听了他的要求。

mass/wide/popular appeal 对大众的/广泛的/普遍的吸引力

the prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me. 住在城里对我没有什么吸引力。

20. react vi.

behave differently or change as a result of sth; respond作出反应 (to sb./sth.)

the eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光会起反应。

he didn’t react to the news.

reaction: n. (to sth.)

what was her reaction to the news?

21. get sth across (to sb):to be communicated or understood ; to succeed in communicating sth 传达;

he is not good at getting his ideas across.他不善于清楚的表达自己的思想。


1) get sth over. 克服

get through 接通,打通,完成,顺利通过考试

2) get down to sth/ doing sth 开始做某事

3) get along/on with 进展,相处

4) get together 相聚,联欢

【例 句】

1) the final examination is coming up soon. it’s time for us to get down to our studies.


2) --- the boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

--- don’t worry. we have already got through two thirds of it.


3) she could always get round her father, who would give her whatever she asked for. 她无论要什么,她的父亲都会给她,所以她总能够说服她的父亲。

4) he was disappointed at not getting the job, but he soon got over it. 因为没有得到这个工作机会,他很失望。但很快,他克服了这种失落感。

5) we’re going to get together with some friends for a picnic. 我们将和几个朋友去聚餐。

v. to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth 敦促;

she urged him to stay.

the report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim.

urge sb on 鼓励;

she could hear him urging her on as she ran past.她跑过他面前时,听到了他在为她加油。

n. urge to do sth : a strong desire to do sth . 冲动

i had a sudden urge to hit him. 我突然很想揍他一顿。

urgent adj. 紧急的;


the law is in urgent need of reform. 这项法律亟待修订。

an urgent look/whisper 急切的神情/耳语

urgency n. this is a matter of some urgency.这件事情相当紧迫。

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇五

phrases in unit one:

from welcome to the unit to reading

1. a time of hard work

2. low-rise buildings

3. (be) at ease with …

4. dream school life

5. have no experience in doing …

6. be happy with …

7. attend assembly/a meeting

8. the best way to do …

9. earn respect from …

10. achieve high grades

11. sound like (a good idea)

12. on average

13. not as … as …

14. used to do …

15. a bit challenging

16. spend … (in) doing …/on …

17. at lunchtime

18. for free

19. on monday evenings

20. drop some subjects

21. such as …/for example

22. on school field/in the field of …

23. different way of life

24. get a general idea of …

25. word by word

from exercises:

26. encourage … to do …

27. would like to do …

28. first of all

29. introduce … to …

30. surf the internet

31. at assembly/at the meeting

32. not … until …

33. prepare to do …

34. have chances to do …

phrases in unit one:

from welcome to the unit to reading

1. 努力工作的时代

2. 低矮的建筑

3. (与某人在一起)自由自在

4. 理想的校园生活

5. 没有…的经验

6. 对…很高兴、满意

7. 参加集会、会议

8. 做…的最好方法

9. 赢得…的尊敬

10. 取得好的成绩、高分

11. 听起来好像

12. 平均

13. 不如…

14. 过去常常(现在不这样了)

15. 有些挑战性

16. 在…上花费…(时间、金钱)

17. 午餐时间

18. 免费的

19. 星期一晚上

20. 放弃一些科目

21. 比如、例如

22. 在操场上、在…领域

23. 不同的生活方式

24. 掌握…的大意

25. 逐字逐句地

from exercises:

26. 鼓励…做…

27. 想、要做…

28. 首先

29. 向…介绍…

30. 上网

31. 会上

32. 直到…才…

33. 准备做…

34. 有机会做…

from word power to grammar

35. (much) more than …

36. (be) available (for …)

37. far away (from …)

38. make sure that …/of …

39. on campus

40. during break time

41. graduate from …

42. upon/on doing …

43. finish one’s studies

44. develop an interest in doing …

45. return from … to …

46. donate … to …

47. thank … for one’s kindness

48. make a speech about/on …

49. refer to …

50. in this case

51. leave out …

52. instead of …

53. pay attention to …

from task to project

54. in short form

55. save space/money

56. have a meeting with …

57. make decisions

58. make comparisons

59. compare … and …

60. the more …, the more …

61. regret to do (say/tell)…

62. inform … of …/that …

63. start a school club

64. be allowed to do …

65. give messages to …

66. be required to do …

67. read … out aloud (to …)

68. make preparations for …

69. be responsible for …

70. do research on …

71. come up with …

72. base … on …/ be based on …

from word power to grammar

35 仅仅

36 可利用的

37 远离…

38 确信、弄清楚

39 校园里

40 在休息时间

41 毕业于…

42 一…就…

43 完成学业

44 培养…(方面)的兴趣

45 从…返回…

46 把…捐赠给…

47 感谢…的仁慈、善良

48 做关于…的演讲

49 意指

50 在这种情况下

51 省略

52 而不是

53 注意

from task to project

54 以简短的形式

55 节省空间、金钱

56 开会

57 做决定

58 做比较

59 比较a与b

60 越…,越…

61 遗憾、抱歉地说、告知

62 通知…、告知…

63 开办俱乐部

64 允许做…

65 给…些信息

66 被要求做…

67 向…大声地读出、念出…

68 为…做些准备

69 对…负责

70 做研究

71 提出(观点、计划等)

72 以…为基础

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇六

phrases in unit 2

welcome to the unit1 to reading

on australia’s famous beaches 在澳大利亚著名的海滩上

explore the amazing brazilian rainforest 探索令人惊异的巴西雨林

3. in detail详细地

4. go travelling 去旅游

5. challenge yourself 调整自我

6. think of想到, 考虑;

7. so long很长时间

8. be busy doing sth忙于做…

9. go to university上大学

h the sahara 穿越撒哈拉沙漠

11. in case 万一

12. take six days 花费六天时间

13. in advance 提前,预先

14. my supplies of food and water 水和食物的供给

15. even though 即使

16. up close 靠近

17. make sure that 确保

18. can’t wait to do sth. 等不及做某事

19. of one’s own 某人自己的

20. look forward to 期盼某事

word power

21. it is worth doing 值得做某事

22. take extra clothes 带上额外的衣服

23. remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事

24. make a fire 生一堆火

25. lose one’s way 迷路

26. in the open air 在野外

grammer and usage

27. remember to boil the water 记得去烧开水

28. be in progress 在进步中

29. places of interest 名胜古迹

30. arrange to do sth. 安排做某事

31. set off出发; 使爆炸; 动身

32. than usual 相比以前


33. in total silence 沉默

34. three pieces of information 三条信息

35. be filled with the wonders of nature 充满了大自然的奇迹

36. at the foot of the mountain 在山脚

37. a little bit 有一点儿

38. up to 达到

39. first name 名字(非姓)


40. on a business trip 出公差

41. be tired of 厌倦

42. be covered with 被覆盖着

43. at a loss 茫然,不知所措

44. be home to … … 的所在地

45. in perfect harmony with协调一致; 相配

46. make use of 利用

phrases in the unit

welcome to the unit1 to reading

1. on australia’s famous beaches


2. explore the amazing brazilian rainforest


3. in detail _________________________

4. go travelling _____________________

5. challenge yourself _____________________

6. think of _____________________

7. so long _____________________

8. be busy doing sth____________________

9. go to university _____________________

h the sahara _____________________

11. in case_____________________

12. take six days _____________________

13. in advance_____________________

14. my supplies of food and water


15. even though _____________________

16. up close _____________________

17. make sure that_____________________

18. can’t wait to do sth.


19. of one’s own _____________________

20. look forward to _____________________

word power

21. it is worth doing _____________________

22. take extra clothes _____________________

23. remind sb. of sth. _____________________

24. make a fire _____________________

25. lose one’s way _____________________

26. in the open air _____________________

grammer and usage

27. remember to boil the water _____________________

28. be in progress _____________________

29. places of interest _____________________

30. arrange to do sth. _____________________

31. set off_____________________

32. than usual _____________________


33. in total silence _____________________

34. three pieces of information _____________________

35. be filled with the wonders of nature _____________________

36. at the foot of the mountain _____________________

37. a little bit _____________________

38. up to _____________________

39. first name _____________________


40. on a business trip _____________________

41. be tired of _____________________

42. be covered with _____________________

43. at a loss _____________________

44. be home to … …_____________________

45. in perfect harmony with_____________________

46. make use of _____________________

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇七

phrases in the unit

unit 1

page 1 to page 5 [welcome to the unit1 to reading]

1. carry out an interview 展开一个访问

2. can’t tell 无法判断

3. run into 偶遇

4. believe in sb. 相信某人

5. crop circle 麦圈

6. in charge of 负责,掌管

7. receive great interest受到关注

8. due to 由于

9. go straight to sp. 直接去某地

10. show up 出现、露面

11. do research on 做……的研究

12. take charge of 负责、掌管

13. make up 组成,编造,弥补

14. look into 调查

15. hard evidence 确凿的证据

16. according to 按照、依照

page6-17[word power, grammar and task]

17. go around the earth环绕地球

18. send up into space把……发射升空

19. so far 到目前为止

20. dream of doing sth. 梦想着做某事

21. at a certain distance在某个距离

22. fall into 落入; 注入; 陷于

23. take off 脱下; 起飞; 移去; 休假

24. at a time 一次、每次

25. spanide … into … 把……分成

26. state one’s opinion 发表某人的观点

27. be avoided 被避免

28. in return 作为回报

29. take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事

30. draw a conclusion 得出一个结论

31. make appropriate suggestions提出合理建议

32. base … on … 把……建立在……基础上

33. three more conclusions另外三个结论

page 18 to page 20[project]

34. be similar to与……相似

35. dozens of许多

36. run after追赶

37. belong to 属于

38. be linked to 与……相关

39. make one’s way to 朝……方向

40. have the chance to do sth. 有机会做某事

41. leave out遗漏

42. space exploration太空探索

unit 1

page 1 to page 5 [welcome to the unit1 to reading]

1. carry out an interview ________________

2. can’t tell ____________________

3. run into _____________________

4. believe in sb. ____________________

5. crop circle _____________________

6. in charge of ____________________

7. receive great interest_________________

8. due to ___________________

9. go straight to sp. ____________________

10. show up ___________________

11. do research on _________________

12. take charge of ________________

13. make up _________________

14. look into _________________

15. hard evidence _______________

16. according to _______________

page6-17[word power, grammar and task]

17. go around the earth_________________

18. send up into space_________________

19. so far _________________

20. dream of doing sth. _________________

21. at a certain distance_________________

22. fall into _________________

23. take off _________________

24. at a time _________________

25. spanide … into … _________________

26. state one’s opinion _________________

27. be avoided _________________

28. in return _________________

29. take turns to do sth. _________________

30. draw a conclusion _________________

31. make appropriate suggestions____________

32. base … on … _________________

33. three more conclusions_________________

page 18 to page 20[project]

34. be similar to_________________

35. dozens of_________________

36. run after_________________

37. belong to _________________

38. be linked to _________________

39. make one’s way to _________________

40. have the chance to do sth. _______________

41. leave out_________________

42. space exploration_________________

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇八

unit 2


p21 ●force sb. to do sth.

p22 ●be angry with sb. at/about over sth.

●what happened to their dog? (sth. happen to sb.)

●mom and dad arrive….a day earlier than expected. (p63)

●can’t wait to do sth. (导学 p21)

●eric runs in…,followed by a dog, walking very slowly.

过去分词(表被动,完成), 现在分词(表主动,进行)作状语

●you weren’t supposed to….( be supposed to p63, 导学 p21)

●what did you do with the money…? -----how did you deal with the money…?

●the room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor… (with+o.+o.c.表伴随)

● leave sb. in charge (导学p21)

leave+o.+o.c.(adj. doing, done,)

leave the door open leave me waiting leave the work half -done

●a person from whom we could expect… (expect sth. from sb.)

●the money with which you were to buy… is gone…(be to do, gone) p63

p23 ●bad behavior goes unpunished (p63) ●slam the door

●has his arms crossed (p63 have sth. done)) ●instead of shouting at me

●now that+cl. ●be rude to ●feel like (doing) sth.

●a be different from b

p25 ●shouldn’t have done ---should have done (p64)

●we didn’t think you would….(p64 否定前置)

● explain sth. to sb. explain to sb. sth,/cl. n .explanation

●argue with sb. about/over sth. n. argument

p26 ●differ ●be helpful to

p27 ●spoken english written english ●look up

p28 ●score a goal/point

p31 ●i still wish we could…, though. (though为副词) (p64)

● wish+that cl, 从句中常用虚拟语气,表很难实现或不可能实现的愿望.

i wish we could go outing to day. (现在)

i wish he would win in the contest. (将来)

i wish i had followed his advice. (过去)

p34 ●ride my bike ●be proud of ●do a good job

●all that worry was for nothing

p35 ●ask for advice take /follow one’s advice give advice on sth.

●advise sth. /doing /sb,. to do advise that sb. (should ) do

●all the time ●keep doing

p36 ●keep these things in mind

●what’s up?=what has happened?

●clean up ●make a bit of difference

p37 ●think of mum as friend again (think of…as…) ●be busy with/doing sth.

●solve the problem ●at the moment ●refuse to do

● sometimes he acts as though he…( as though, as if 后接从句两种语气的用法)

it looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了(可能性很大, 陈述语气).

she loves the boy as if she were his own mother. 她爱那孩子似乎她是他的亲生母亲(事实上不是, 虚拟语气)

●recently he has been refusing…(p64)

●chat online ●allow him his freedom (allow doing, allow sb to do, allow sb th.)

●help my son without harming…(导学 p22) ● forbid me form meeting ( 词组见下)

●every time i watch a dvd…(every time, each time, next time…引导状语从句)


1. surprise

vt. you surprise me!

n. 惊奇, 吃惊 (u) he looked at me in ~.

可惊的事情, 意外的事情 (c) dont tell him about the present -- its a ~.

take sb. by surprise to ones great surprise in surprise

出其不意, 偷袭 使某人非常惊奇的是 惊奇地

2. charge

v. 1)收费 how much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?



he was charged with stealing a car. 他被指控偷了一辆汽车。

n. 1) 费用;

a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用

the charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。

2) 责任;
照料 in charge of sth.-----sth. be in the charge of sb.

3) 控诉;

n. 1)斑点;

you have a dirty mark on your face. 你脸上有个脏点。


it is dangerous to swim beyond this mark. 游泳超出这个标志是危险的。

符号 a mark of respect 尊敬的表示


the teacher gave me a good mark for my story. 老师给了我的故事以好的评分。

vt 1)弄污;

she marked her white dress when she sat on the grass.


标志 留下痕迹;

he marked the floor with chalk. 他用粉笔在地板上作记号。


he marked the work 10 out of 10. 他给作业打了个满分10分。

4. interest n. 1) 兴趣 (u)

i find no interest in such things. 我对这些不感兴趣。

2) 爱好的事物;

his two great interests in life are music and painting.


3)利益 4)股份 5)利息

vt 1)使…发生兴趣

american football doesnt interest me at all. 美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣。


can i interest you in a cup of drink? 请你喝一杯饮料好吗?

5. insist v.

i insisted on his coming with us. (insist on doing) 我坚持要求他和我们一起来。

we all insist that we (should )not rest until we finish the work.


we all insisted that he was innocent. 我们坚持认为他是无辜的。

6.suggest v n. suggestion

he suggested going out for a walk. (suggest sth.) 他建议出去走走。

they ~ed a new program to the president. (suggest sth. to sb.)

he ~ed that they should go there by train. (建议)

his look ~ed that he was unhappy. (暗示, 表明)

7. fight v. - fought -fought , fighting 常与against, with,for连用)打仗;

people often have to fight for their liberty. 人们往往不得不为自由而战。

the boy had to fight his way through the crowd to talk to the president.


n. 1)打仗;
战斗 2)打架

the two boys had a fight. 两个男孩打了一架。

8 .forbid v. forbad/forbade; forbidden

his parents forbid him wine. (forbid sb. sth.) 他的父母不准他喝酒。

smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. (forbid sth./doing) 演奏厅内不准吸烟。

i forbid you to go swimming. (forbid sb. to do) 我不准你去游泳。


1)备用的 a spare tyre 备用轮胎


if you have a spare bed, may i stay tonight? 如果你有空床的话,今晚我可以留下吗?

v. 1)赦免;
不伤害 he doesnt spare himself. 他律己甚严。

2) 免除;
使省去 3) 分出, 腾出

can you ~ me five minutes?

10. act n

举动 a foolish act 愚蠢的举动


parliament has passed an act forbidding the killing of rare animals.


3)〈戏〉幕 act 5 scene 2 第五幕第二景

v. 1)扮演, 表演 he acted his part well. 他扮演的那个角色很成功。

2) 行动 think before you act! 三思而后行!

行为 to act bravely and quickly 表现勇敢、敏捷

4) 起…作用;
产生…效果 does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?


1. vacation be on~ 2 .bend –bent-bent

3. touch get/keep in ~with sb. lose ~with sb. be in /out of ~ with sb.

4. reason for this ~ he ~ for sth. or v. behave

6. mad g ~ be ~ about 7. punish ~ sb. for sth. n. punishment

bored v. bore 9. mix a with b mix up n. mixture

10. score scores of 许多 v. ~ a point/goal 11. column columnist

12. valuable value invaluable

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇九

module3 unit2 language


1. in a broad sense从广义上讲

2. transmit information传播信息

3. various forms of language语言的各种形式

4. stand for a beaming smile代表灿烂的微笑

5. all over the world/ throughout the world全世界

6. fly in circles 绕圈飞行

7. inform sb of/ about sth.通知某人某事

keep sb informed of sth使某人被通知

8. including sth/ sth included包括某事

9. share sth with sb与某人分享某物

10. make a special internet language构成一种特殊的因特网语言

11. have some effective methods for studying the english language



1. throughout history贯穿历史;
throughout the world/ all over the world

2. be made up of/consist of由…组成

3. a language with some confusing rules 一种带有令人迷惑规则的语言

4. bring sth with sb to sp将某物待在身边带到某地

5. at the end of the 9th century 在九世纪晚期

6. a language called celtic一种叫做凯尔特的语言

7. be different from与……不同

8. it’s certain that… …是确定的

9. the official language of england英国官方语

10. sb find it hard to do sth觉得做某事很难

11. this is because…/ that is why…表语从句句型

12. have similar meaning in …有类似的意思

13. contribute to / result in/ lead to/cause the development of……导致……的发展

14. sb take control of控制

15. sb lose control of失去控制

16. be replaced by/ with;
设备sb take the place of sb 被…代替

17. despite the fact/ in spite of the fact尽管事实如此

18. have an impact on(the english language)对…巨大冲击

19. at this point在此期间

20. raise animals 饲养动物

21. the upper/lower class上(下)层阶级

22. common people普通人(地位相对低的)

23. by the latter half of the 24th century到24世纪下半叶

24. be adopted by被…采用

25. one’s mother tongue/ one’s native language母语

26. undergo huge changes(underwent, undergone)经历巨大变化/ undergo treatment接受治疗

27. continue doing/ continue to do sth继续做某事

28. a sequence of events一系列事件

29. relate… to…与…相关

30. official occasions官方正式场合

31. modern english/life/science and technology现代英语/生活/科技

32. make a promise; keep /break one’s promise做许诺;

33. promise to do sth许诺做某事

34. a promising boy一个有前途的男孩

35. disagree with what =everything that =all that sb say

english language is made up of/consists of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to britain with them.


brought with them their languages, which also mixed with anglo-saxon.


language they created is what we now call old english.


english is the name given to the english used from around the 12th to the 16th century.中古英语这个名词是指大约12世纪至16世纪期间所使用的英语

r, the norman conquest did not have the same result that the germanic invasion had had about 600 years earlier.


question of english will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.


a person comes from will affect their style of speech.


are many different dialects of english depending on where people live.


9. we sometimes find it hard to decide which words or phrases to use


is where i disagree.

this is what i disagree to.这就是我不赞同的地方。

word power & grammar & task

1. spoken english/written english口语、书面语

2. a large amount of / a great deal of+不可数n

3. a large number of/ a great(good) many+可数n复

4. a large quantity of/plenty of+可数/不可数n

5. sort out=arrange安排

6. discard=throw away丢弃

7. i regret to inform you我遗憾地通知你

8. in addition=plus除此之外

9. have a word with=speak to与某人谈话

10. have words with sb与某人吵架

11. take sth into consideration考虑某事

12. five permanent members of the un security council五个联合国安理会常任理事国

13. take action/measures to do sth采取行动做某事

14. set high standards for设一个标准

15. below standard在标准以下

16. up to the required standard超过被要求的标准

17. make a decision做决定

18. at one time曾经(at times 有时候)

19. at a time一次

20. keep … pure使…纯化

21. due to/because of/thanks to/ as a result of/owing to由于

22. ban sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

23. easily accessed television programs容易接受的电视节目have access to

24. get along/on with sb与某人相处

25. there is no need to do sth没有必要做某事

26. waste time doing sth浪费时间做某事

27. it’s a waste of time to do/doing sth

28. shorten the distance缩短距离

29. embarrass sb into doing sth做某事使某人尴尬

30. refuse to accept an idea拒绝接受一个主意

31. from across the world从全世界

32. adopt one’s suggestion/a new teaching method



1. a differ greatly from b in size and shape

a与b 在尺寸及形状方面大大不同

2. the very first chinese characters真正第一批简体中文

3. change over time随着时间改变

4. as a whole作为整体

5. on the whole(常用于句首)

6. combine two or more elements together把两种及更多种元素结合起来

7. the symbol for a man代表人类

8. be the opposite of sth是…的相反

9. opposite our school are two shops.(倒装句)

10. opposite our school is a shop.

11. be highly complex非常复杂

12. reflect one’s thought反应某人的思想

13. simplified chinese characters简体中文

14. be widely used in mainland china在中国大陆广泛使用

15. the way a written language developed can tell us just as much about a culture as the history of a spoken language.书面语发展方式表示出来的文化就像口语的历史表示出来的文化一样。

16. the chinese language differs from many western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.


17. not all characters are used to describe objects.=

all characters are not used to describe objects.=并非所有汉字都用来描述事物的。

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇十

unit 1 tales of the unexplained

the first period intensive reading

临澧一中英语组 张凤年



step 1:lead-in

当welcome to the unit作为reading为热身,并且从互联网上下载一些有关的图片,让学生除了看教材以外还可以看多的图片更好的去了解那些神秘的事件。



1. what is the article about?

the article is about a missing boy and aliens.

is missing?

justin poster is missing.

3. do the police know what happened to justin?




did justin’s mother go to bed early.

justin’s mother went to bed early because of a headache.

justin have any brothers and sisters?


3. what were the aliens like?

they were white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes.

is in charge of the case?

detective sam peterson is in charge of the case.

step: 4careful reading


match each part with its main ideas

part 1 (paras1-2) justin foster went missing.

part 2 (para3-4) the police found that justin returned home.

part 3 (paras5-7) the boy was taken away by aliens.


part 1 考虑到湖南高考题中,听力中有听材料,填信息的题型,平时多设计这方面的练习。对学生的听力的提高肯定有很大的帮助。

1. police in america have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year- old boy _

who went missing two days ago in dover , new hampshire.

2. justin foster, a high school students, went missing last friday night.

did not show up at the family lunch the next day.

part 2 read part 2 (paras3-4) carefully and decided whether the following sentences are true or false. 仔细阅读,训练学生对于教材细节的处理。

( f )1. justin left home to play football with two friends.

( t )2. witnesses said that they saw justin walking towards his home at 10:45 p.m.

( t )3. kelly heard justin put on his favorite cd after he went to his room.

part 3 继续结合高考,阅读文章处理文章信息。


the _ 1__ that justin was taken away by aliens

conclusion supporting details

the boy was taken away by aliens kelly saw a large _ 2__ flying out side

kelly saw lots of white– siknned strange –looking_ _ 3_

with large black eyes.

kelly heard justin _ 4_

maris wood said that the aliens took her away sothat the could do _ 5__ on her.

answers :1,possibility 2,spaceship 3,creatures 4,shout 5,


step5: language points

1,step up: speed up, increase

when john realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.

2,search, 搜查,搜寻

search sp. for 搜查某地以寻找

in search of = in one’s search for

the police searched the man but found nothing.

they searched the woods for the little boy

birds fly south in search of winter sun.

3 due


the electricity bill is due tomorrow.


the next train to london is due at 4:00 p.m.

由于,因为 because of , caused by

due to his rudeness, i didn’t say one more word to him.

his success is entirely due to hard work.

4 show up

we’ve been waiting for you to show up.

arrive, appear

the marks on the wall show up in the sunlight .

to be easily and clearly seen

when we go to parties, my husband always shows me up by telling rude jokes.

to make sb feel embarrassed or ashamed

5 rule out : get rid of

the police ruled out the possibility that the boy had been murdered by his step mother.

step 6: discussion

经过听力阅读,学生对课文内容已经有了很好的了解,而且也开始对 justin 的失踪和外星人产生了好奇,所以可以让他们讨论。

if you met some aliens from outer space, what will you do? go to outer space or not?

step7: homework

1. finish part d on page 4 and part e on page 5.

2. review the new words and phrases.

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇十一

unit 2, module 1

i. 单项选择:

1. during the week which ______, we had several exams and each one was difficult.

a. was followed b. followed c. following d. to follow

2. he ________ a college graduate but he knew nothing of history.

a. was supposed to be b. supposed to be c. was thought of to be d. thought to be

3. how do you ________ these naughty children?

a. do with b. think of c. deal with d. think about

4. you’d better have your room ______. it’s ________.

a. clean, in mess b. cleaned, a mess c. cleaned, in mess d. clean, in a mess

5. –did the door keeper let you in?

--no, _____ i tried to tell him that i was your uncle, he just wouldn’t listen to me.

a. no matter b. even if c. however d. whether

6. –oh, i’ve missed a good chance.

--yes. you ______ the job when it was offered.

a. should have taken b. should take c. might have taken d. must have taken

7. trees help stop the soil________ away by the rain.

a. washed b. be washed c. being washed d. washing

8. a man may usually be known by the books he reads_____ by the friends he keeps.

a. as if b. as well as c. together with d. as soon as possible

9. ---shall we go swimming together?

---ok, i will just go and get ______.

a. to change b. to be changed c. changed d. changing

10. –i drove to zhuhai for the air show last week?

--is that _________ you had a few days off?

a. why b. when c. what d. where

11. don’t do such things ______ you are not sure about.

a. as b. that c. what d. than

12. they yellow color doesn’t _______ the black color in the picture.

a. go up b. go with c. go along d. go on

13. the managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _____ the next year.

a. carry out b. carrying out c. carried out d. to carry out

14. they have to explain _______ us the reason ______ their doing so.

a. /, of b. with, about c. /, for d. to, for

15. with lots of trees and flowers ______ here and there, our school looks very beautiful.

a. having planted b. planted c. have been planted d. to be planted

ii. 单词填空:

one goes to the school during the v______.

you be p______ by your parents if you can’t get well prepared for the coming

english test.

3.a dictionary _____(解释)the meaning of each word.

4.i have got c_______ of your class tomorrow so you must do well as i tell you.

car accident was not the driver’s f_____ as there was a man suddenly running

across the road.

kind of film is suitable( 适合的 ) for both children and a_____.

room was a m________ after the party.

take the g_____ or rubbish with you when leaving the theatre.

first s______ in the second act contains a very long speech.

d_____ the gold medal in the speech competition as he had made so many efforts that

hardly could anybody imagine.

was nearly driven m_____ by the terrible noise near the airport.

sor wang often gives some good a______ on how to learn english well.

students went c___________ when their team came first at the football match.

policeman followed the person whose ___________(行为)was so strange for a while and

then caught him.

kind of pop music is popular with the_____________(青少年).

16.i had better say a few words by way of __________( 解释)

17.i think that you should accept the plan without ____________(争辩).

ens are ___________( 禁止) to smoke.

tsunami (海啸)_________(毁坏)many trees and buildings so that the local

people lost their homes.

wastes so much of his valuable time__________(聊天)on line.

village where they live is very________(令人厌倦的,乏味的).

22.i want to do things that_______ me(感兴趣).

23.i`m allowing him his______(自由).

can i help my son without harming our_______(关系).

25.i got one of the top _____(得分,分数)in the class.

did you do with the______(现金)we left.

________ (窗帘,幕布)are closed.

weren’t ______(应该,应当)to come home until tomorrow.

29.i don’t know the_______(原因,理由)why the house is so dirty.

xu_______ up(混淆,弄乱)my results with someone else’s yesterday.

unit 2, module 1


bacbc acbca adcdb


1. vacation ed ns h

ed or ers ation den ed ng st m ns ed .

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇十二

主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 .9.

教 学 目 标 make students pay attention to their health, and how to keep healthy.

get the ss to improve oral english by talking about the pictures.

students are expected to express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and health

教学重、难点 (1) find the main points in the three letters and express them.

(2) understanding the text.

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

step 1 lead-in

(1) some people are overweight, some are a little fat, and some are slim. find why people are fat.

(2) discuss ways of losing weight.

a) going on a diet

b) exercising in the gym

c) receiving surgical treatment

d) taking weight-loss pills

(3) talk about the advantages, disadvantages & examples of the ways of losing ways.

step 2 reading comprehension

(1) general questions: (1st reading)

where does amy come from?

what kind of pills did amy take?

what caused amy’s liver to fall?

(3) ex c1 choose the best answers. (2nd reading)

questions: 1-6

step 3 further reading

(1) ex c2 find the main points in the three letters (3rd reading)

subjects main points

1 dying to be thin

2 recovering

3 re: recovering

(2) ex d1 d2 detailed understanding and learning new words in the context.

step 4 develop reading ability through usage

(1) ex e complete the letter based on the text.

step 5 consolidation and expansion (choose one of the following.)

(1) suppose you are amy’s best friend. what advice or suggestions would you give to amy?

(2) do you think pictures of film stars and models cause young people to worry about their looks? why or why not?

(3) what do you think is the best way to keep healthy? why?

step 6 homework

read the whole text (1) to know what amy had to stay slim and how she recovered.

(2) to learn some language usages

step 7: look at the four pictures carefully. you can begin the activity like this:

there are four pictures here. first of all, i would like yo7 to imagine the situation and try to describe it with your own words.

e.g.: last sunday, after leaving school li ping went home feeling extremely tired. the wanted to have a good rest and relax. when his parents said hello to him, he was so impatient that he did not say anything and went straight to his own bedroom. though his patents were very confused, they did not ask him why and continued with the cooking. after a while, loud music came front li ping’s bedroom. his mother was very angry and she rushed into his room.

do the following tasks:

do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?

which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?

2: find more examples:


choose one picture and have a free talk.

(1) who is the person? (2) the reason why he/she does so as the picture shows

ask the students to use their imagination and talk about each pictures as fully as possible.

ask them to share their opinions with the classes.

课 题 m1u2 课时 9-2 language points 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 learn the language points in the task

教学重、难点 some words and phrases

the rest + cn.\ un

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

step 1: revision and lead in:

review how to find the gist and how to write a diary and thank you letter.

step 2: language points

1: mix v.

eg: oil does not mix with water

mixed a.

his feeling about his daughter’s marriage are rather mixed.

mixture n.

air is a mixture of all kinds of gases.

2: score

n. make a score\ keep the score

eg: the score in the final was 4-3.

vt. our team scored 3 points in the first half.

3: interest n. 1) have interest in

he does not have much interest in sports.

lose (an) interest in

she lost interest in her work.

2) 利益 (常用复数)

they looked after their won interest.


stay up

he stayed up all night, doing his experiment.

2: after all \ in all \ first of all \ above all \ at all

3: rising or falling tone

rising, falling 是现在分词作定语

tones used in putonghua

4: be nervous about (of )

they are nervous about ( of ) their first trip abroad.

be anxious to do \ be worried about

5: clear up

the weather forecast says it will clear up this weekend.

after you have finished your meal, please clear up the table.

````the rest of the writing is merely supporting information.

the rest of the books are````

the rest of the money is `````

2: i can ride my bike at the weekends instead of waiting so long for the bus.

instead of ````

he will attend the meeting instead of his boss.

he stayed in bed instead of working.

3: i did not think my mum missed talking with me, but he did.

miss doing sth

i missed buying the may number of the magazine.

课 题 m1u2 课时 9-3 language points 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 language points

教学重、难点 surprised/ surprising, 介词+关系代词


教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

step 1:lead in:

retell the text

step 2: language points

单词1: surprise n.

eg:to our surprise, he could do it by himself alone.

vt. eg: what he did surprise us all.

surprising news\ exciting game\

surprised expression\ excited people

2: touch vt.

eg: i felt someone touch me on the shoulder.

his story touched all the people present.

the young man touched the keys of the piano.

3: explain v. explain sth. to sb.

eg: he explained the outline of his plan to us.

explain to sb. wh-\ that

eg: can you explain to us that she could not come because she was ill.

4: trust vt. trust sb.

eg: you should not trust the man.

trust sb. to do sth

eg: you must trust him to do the work.

you cannot trust the bus to run on time.

n. (in)

eg: please put\ place \ have trust in her.

i have no trust in him.

6: punish vt.

punish sb. for ( doing )sth.

eg: the angry father punished his boy for not obeying him.

n. punishment

eg: prison is a punishment for those who break the law.

adj. punishing

词组7: be supposed to

eg: we were supposed to be here at seven.

who is supposed to look after the children?

deal with v.

retell the text before the whole class.

step 2: listen to the tape. while listening, follow the tape and find the difficult point in the book.

ask the students to use their imagination and talk about each pictures as fully as possible.

ask them to share their opinions with the classes.

课 题 m1u2 课时 9-4

language points 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 get to know some differences between american and british english.

get to know some colloquialisms.

教学重、难点 what is the meaning of the colloquialisms?

how to guess the meaning of a colloquialism.

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

step 1:revision and lead in:

1: revision: review the language points we learnt in the last class.

2: lead in: read some sentences. let students judge whether they right or wrong. (you can choose american english and british english. so all of them are right). then tell the students why.

step 2: look more phrase and words. use the word the change the underlined words. and then check the answer.

step 3: colloquialisms:

1: look at the pictures and the words. guess the meaning of the words. pare a)

2: guess and look up the meaning of the following italicized expressions mean and then look them up in a dictionary. (part b)

review the language points.

guess the meaning and translate them into chinese.

guess and do the homework.

课 题 m1u2 课时 9-5 grammar 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 attributive clause

教学重、难点 preposition + which \ preposition + whom

preposition + which \ preposition + whom

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注

step 1: revision: review some colloquialisms.( error correction)

who have plenty of money will help their friend.

is the longest train which i have ever seen.

we all know, swimming is a very good sport.

4.i shall never forget those years which i lived in the farm which you visited last week.

radio set which i bought it last week has gone wrong.

step 2: 1: lead in: (make a difference)

this is the house which i lived in two years ago.

this is the house where i lived two years ago.

this is the house in which i lived two years ago

step 3: 介词+关系词

1: 说明:



he lived in london for 3 months, during that time he learned some english.

3) 某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的“介词+关系词”结构可以同关系副词when 和where 互换。

this is the house in which i lived two years ago.

this is the house where i lived two years ago.

do you remember the day on which you joined our club?

do you remember the day when you joined our club?


1) 根据后面的动词搭配:

eg: the school in which he studied one year ago has become ruins.

2) 根据前面的名词:

eg: do you remember the day on which you joined our club?

3) 根据前面的动词与后面的名词搭配:

eg: he made a hole in the wall though which he can see what was happening in the room.

课 题 m1u2 课时 9-6 grammar

and usage 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 attributive clause

教学重、难点 how to help the students to learn the grammar efficiently.

differences between where, when, and which

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注

step 1: revision

1: this is the house _____i was born.

2: she is the girl ____you lent your bike.

3: this is the pen ___ i wrote the letter.

4: here is the address _____you should write.

5: we love the village ___we worked for 2 years.

6: those are the books ____ we are talking just now.

7: he is the students _____i lent my dictionary.

8: can you lend me a chair ___ i can sit?

9: the bus _____i often go to school has not come yet.

10: he is just the student ____you want to make friends.

11: the library ____ i borrowed a magazine is not very big.

12: this is the shop ___ i bought the bike.

13: the train ___ she was traveling was late.

14: there is no dictionary ___ you can find everything.

15: i will show you a chop ____you may find all you want.

step 2: 关系副词引导的定语从句


1)when, where, why

关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于“介词+ which”结构,因此常常和“介词+ which”结构交替使用,例如:

there are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。

beijing is the place where (in which) i was born. 北京是我的出生地。

is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?


that可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和“介词+ which”引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略,例如:

his father died the year (that / when / in which) he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。

he is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which) he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能


3 判断关系代词与关系副词


this is the mountain village where i stayed last year.

ill never forget the days when i worked together with you.


例1. is this museum ___ you visited a few days age?

a. where b. that c. on which d. the one

例2. is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held.

a. where b. that c. on which d. the one

答案:例1 d,例2 a

this museum is ___ you visited a few days ago.

this is the museum ___ the exhibition was held.

在句1中,所缺部分为宾语,而where, that, on which都不能起到宾语的作用,只有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,可以省略关系代词,所以应选d。

而句2中, 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选a。

关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词 (who, whom, that, which, whose);

先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词 ( where 地点状语,when 时间状语,why 原因状语)

get ss to fill in the blanks.

learn the usage of when, where, why.

课 题 m1u1 课时 9-7 task 1 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 improve students’ listening ability

教学重、难点 how to improve students’ listening ability

how to understand tones in spoken english?

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

step 1: revision and lead in: (改错)

put the letter which he can easily find it.

house in the front of which there is a big tree was built more than 1000 years ago.

18. antarctic ,which we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.

reason why i was away from school is because i was ill yesterday.

was a meeting that importance i didnt realize at that time

step 2: understand tones in spoken english.

1: understand the meaning of volume, rising or falling tone, stress on certain words, pauses in the sentences.

2: listen to the sentences on the tape. write the most correct emotional meaning in each blank.

3: listen to one more sentence. how do you think the speaker feels about the man?

step 3: listen to the calls received by a radio talk show host and write the names of the callers in the spaces below. step 1: do the following exercises.

step 2: listen and do the exercises

课 题 m1u1 课时 9-8 task 2 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 improve students’ speaking reading ability

教学重、难点 how to improve students’ reading ability

how to get the main idea of a text

how to understand a thank you letter

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注

step 1: revision and lead in

1: review the attributive clause( 改错)

1oh the wall hung a picture, which color is blue.

er i met him , that was fairly often, i like his sweet and hopeful smile.

visitor asked the guide to take his picture there stands the famous tower.

boss whose department ms king worked ten years ago look down upon women.

5.i dont like the way which you speak to her.

step 2: students may be asked to work in groups of four. have each of the group read and diary entry and find the main point and circle the words, which show the mood of the writer. then ask them to tell in turn what they have learnt after reading.

answer: 1: today has been a great day because my parents bought me an expensive bike. (happy)

2: we had a maths test and do not i an nervous about my results.(tired, afrasid, nervous)

3: i failed the maths test and do not know how to tell my parents.(upset)

4: all that worrying was for njothing. (very happy, glad)

step 3: read the thank you letter on page 35. ask them to find the answers to the following questions:

1:who wrote the letter?

2: to whom is the letter written?

3: why is the letter written?

step 4: listen to the letter again. do true or false questions in the book.

step 4: summary:

the most important part of reading is to be able to understand the gist or the main point. often only a few words are used top make a main point, and the rest of this writing is merely supporting information. good readers learn to quickly get the gist of what they read.

step 1: do the following tasks:

1: find some information about drama.

2: talk about the topic the teacher giving to them.

step 2: read and answer the questions.

1) scanning and skimming

2: read and fill in the blanks

step 3: fast reading

step 4: careful reading

step 5: get to know how to find the gist of a text or the main idea of a text.

课 题 m1u1 课时 9-9 assessment 主备人 swan 授 课

时 间 2008.9.

教 学 目 标 learn the language points in the task

教学重、难点 the form of a notice in english and understand the outline of starting a school club.

教、 学 具 a projector and some slides

预 习 要 求 preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注

step 1: revision and lead in:

review how to find the gist and how to write a diary and thank you letter.

step 2: language points

单词1: mix v.

eg: oil does not mix with water

mixed a.

his feeling about his daughter’s marriage are rather mixed.

mixture n.

air is a mixture of all kinds of gases.

2: score

o. make a score\ keep the score

eg: the score in the final was 4-3.

vt. our team scored 3 points in the first half.

3: interest n. 1) have interest in

he does not have much interest in sports.

lose (an) interest in

she lost interest in her work.

2) 利益 (常用复数)

they looked after their won interest.

词组 1:
stay up

he stayed up all night, doing his experiment.

2: after all \ in all \ first of all \ above all \ at all

3: rising or falling tone

rising, falling 是现在分词作定语

tones used in putonghua

4: be nervous about (of )

they are nervous about ( of ) their first trip abroad.

be anxious to do \ be worried about

5: clear up

the weather forecast says it will clear up this weekend.

after you have finished your meal, please clear up the table.

````the rest of the writing is merely supporting information.

the rest of the books are````

the rest of the money is `````

2: i can ride my bike at the weekends instead of waiting so long for the bus.

instead of ````

he will attend the meeting instead of his boss.

he stayed in bed instead of working.

3: i did not think my mum missed talking with me, but he did.

miss doing sth

i missed buying the may number of the magazine.

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇十三

1. grow up

2. turn up; turn down; turn off; turn on

3. a waste of time

waste/spend … on sth/(in) doing sth

4. try to do sth; try doing sth

5. force sb to do sth; be forced to do sth

6. be angry/upset with sb

7. cannot wait to do sth

8. look around the room

9. be supposed to do sth

10. bend to touch the dog

keep/get in touch with sb

lose/(be) out of touch with sb

11. what … do with sth

how … deal with sth

12. explain sth to sb; explain to sb sth

13. with a passa boxes on the floor

14. leave me alone

15. (be) in charge (of …)

take charge of …

charge the battery

charge sb … for …

free of charge=for free

16. act like an adult

take an active part in …

take action/steps/measures (to do …)

17. the reason why …/that …

reason with sb.

18. go unpunished

19. lights go out

20. have one’s arms crossed

21. not … any more

22. deserve to do sth

23. instead of …

24. (be) hard on sb

be strict with sb

25. now that …

26. be rude to sb

27. be different from …

28. in the form of …

form the habit of doing sth

29. pay (any/no) attention to sth

draw/attract one’s attention

30. treat sb like a child

31. make mistakes;
make decisions; make comparisons

32. argue about sth with sb

33. spoken english; english-speaking countries

34. it’s raining cats and dogs

35. make a mountain out of a molehill.

36. be surprised at…; (much) to one’s surprise

from welcome to word power

1. 成长

2. (声音)调大、调小、关掉、开

3. 浪费时间


4. 设法做…;

5. 迫使某人做某事;

6. 生气、不安

7. 等不及要做…

8. 环顾四周

9. 理应做某事

10. 弯腰去抚摸小狗



11. 如何处理


12. 向…解释…

13. 地板上passa盒子的…(状语、定语等)

14. 别管我、别烦我;

15. (某人)负责某事





16. 像成年人一样行事



17. …的原因


18. 免于受到惩罚

19. 等熄灭了

20. 双臂交叉

21. 不再…

22. 应该做…、配做…

23. 而不是

24. 对…严格


25. 既然、由于

26. 对…粗鲁

27. 与…不同

28. 以…的形式


29. 注意…


30. 把…像孩子样对待

31. 犯错误;

32. 就…与某人争论、争吵

33. 英语口语;

34. 倾盆大雨

35. 小题大做

36. 对…感到惊奇;

from grammar to project

37. give sb painting lessons

38. a little bit expensive

39. be proud of …

take pride in …

40. get good marks/achieve high grades

41. stay up

42. do a good job in …

43. regret that/doing

regret to do

44. be nervous about …

45. after all

46. mix up … with …

47. take one’s advice; follow one’s advice

ask (sb) for advice

48. be interested in …; develop/show an interest in

49. all the time

50. go out for a long walk

51. keep … in mind

52. what’s wrong with … ?

53. it takes sb … to do sth

54. make a bit of difference

55. provide sb with sth; provide sth for sb

56. be busy with sth/sb; be busy (in) doing sth

57. become upset with sb

58. at the moment

59. as though/ as if

60. insist on doing sth

insist that …

61. chat online with sb

surf the internet

62. at present

be present at …

63. prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth

keep sb from doing

keep sb doing sth

64. allow sb freedom

allow doing

allow sb to do sth

be allowed to do sth

65. or worse

worse still; what was worse

66. without harming one’s relatioship

67. help sb with sth

68. in one’s spare time

spare no efforts to do sth

69. suggest an idea

give sb a suggestion

70. fight like crazy

fight for …; fight against…

71. forbid sb to do

from grammar to project

37. 给某人上油画课

38. 有点儿贵

39. 对…感到自豪


40. 取得好成绩

41. 熬夜、不睡觉

42. 在…(方面)做得好

43. 后悔做…


44. 对…紧张

45. 毕竟

46. 把…与…混淆、混合

47. 听从某人建议


48. 对…感兴趣

49. 一直、总是

50. 出去散步

51. 记住…

52. 出了什么事?

53. 花费时间做…

54. 有点影响

55. 为…提供

56. 忙于做…

57. 对…感到不安

58. 此刻、现在

59. 好像

60. 坚持做…


61. 与…网上聊天


62. 目前


63. 防止…做…



64. 让某人有自由




65. 或者更糟糕


66. 而没有伤害某人关系

67. 帮助某人…

68. 在某人空闲时间


69. 建议一个注意


70. 发疯地;


71. 禁止某人做…

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇十四

teaching aims:

to teach students how to use abbreviations to fill in a timetable

to develop students’ ability of listening to and identifying dates, day, time, venue and events or activities

teaching important & difficult points:

how to note down information while listening

teaching methods: discussion in pairs or in groups, task-based in-class activities

teaching aids: a multimedia classroom; a tape-recorder

teaching procedures:


check the students’ home work: 1) ask some students to read their five sentences out and let other students make comments about these sentences.

2) ask students to take out their textbooks and turn to page 88 to check their answers of part c2.

step ⅱ presentation

1. students are introduced what a program is and what a program usually includes. “a program is a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved. it usually includes time, day, date, venue and a description of the event.” and then tell them how to shorthand a program quickly and correctly in order to save time and space. test them by asking several students to write some short forms of the following on the blackboard and read the short forms aloud.

1. friday 2. thursday 3. the third floor 4. january 31

5. april 3 6. september 22 7. 3 o’clock in the afternoon 8. 6:45 in the morning

the short forms are:

1. fri 2. thur 3. 3rd floor 4. jan 31/ 31 jan/ jan 31st

5. apr 3 6. sept 22/ 22 sep/ sep 22nd 7. 3 p.m./ 15:00 8. 6:45 a.m.

2. ask the students to practice writing down such detailed information in a real situation in which a famous scientist is being interviewed by a school newspaper reporter about his program for next week. they are listening to the interview and complete the timetable on p12. just to make sure they have enough time to write down what’s required and self check, allow some time for another time of listening. later on, check the answers by asking the students to report in full sentences. for example, they should say “on oct 21, monday, the scientist will be giving a talk at datong high school at 9:30 in the morning.” they may need some minutes to prepare in pairs.

step ⅲ listening

1. let students read the guidelines on page 13 to know what they are asked to do. then ask them to go over the timetable to get a general idea about the talk.

2. ask students to listen to the recording twice and complete the timetable inspanidually. then let them check the answers with their partner to see if they have got the same answers. let them listen to the recording again if they have got some different answers and want to listen to it once more. then check the answers with the whole class.

step ⅳ speaking

ask some students to talk about what talk will be held at what time and what place and who will give the talk. for example:

a) on friday, the 8th october, a famous writer will come to give a talk at 1:20 p.m. in room 201, building 4. he will talk about how to read a novel.

b) a talk about fire prevention will be given by a fireman in room 503, building 3 at 2:15 p.m. on monday, the 11th october. …

step ⅴpractising (do the listening exercises on page 92)

in the recent years, many countries have opened their doors to chinese students, and therefore a great many students have decided to go abroad to study. in the past, overseas chinese students used to study for a bachelor or a higher degree, but nowadays many senior schools students who haven’t finished their study yet are choosing to go abroad, which means young teenagers are now joining in those marching their way towards a new world outside china. keling is one of them. now read the guideline on p92. then listen to the tape and complete the notes.

step ⅵ new words from page 12 to page 17

ask students to turn to page 68 and read the new words (title-run).

step ⅶ homework

ask students to preview skills building 2 on page 14 and step 2 on page 15.

ask students to preview skills building 3 on page 16 and step 3 on page 17.

period 8 §task(2-2)§

teaching aims:

to help students learn to compare information before making decisions

to develop students’ speaking ability by doing question and answers

to teach students how to write a notice

to develop students’ writing ability by writing a notice to inform their classmates

teaching important & difficult points:

how to get students to work in pairs in reporting the talks

teaching methods: discussion in pairs or in groups; task-based in-class activities

teaching aids: a multimedia classroom; a tape-recorder

teaching procedures:

i skills building 2 and step 2


to make students well prepared for the activities of comparing information and to trigger their interest and curiosity as well, the teacher offers an iq test.

1. what is it that appears once in a second, once in a month, once in a century, yet not at all in a year or a week? “n”

2. a boy and a pig weigh as much as five boxes. the pig weighs as much as four cats. two cats and the pig weigh as much as three boxes. how many cats weigh as much as the boy? 6 cats

3. mr. and mrs. white have seven children. from the eldest to the youngest, they’re a, b, c, d, e, f and g. a has three younger sisters. b has an elder brother. c is a girl and she has two younger sisters. d has two younger brothers. e has two elder sisters and f is a girl, too, but she and g have no younger sister. which of them are boys and which are girls? a, b, e, g are boys and c, d, f are girls

ask them to work them out separately, and then give them some time for discussion. key information is also to be circled. for example, in no. 3, from “b has an elder brother”, we can infer that a must be a boy. the statements “c is a girl and she has two younger sisters” “f is a girl, too, but she and g have no younger sister” imply that d or e is a girl. at the same time “d has two younger brothers” indicates clearly e and g are boys. so far, we have decided a, e, g are boys while c, d, f are girls. the last crucial piece of information “a has three younger sisters” unveils b’s identity as a boy. from this experience, students must be convinced that comparing information is important and it requires full-scale consideration.

stepⅱ presentation

1. ask students whether they could understand the meaning of each sentence in skills building 2 when they were doing previewing. let them point out sentences that they don’t understand.

2. ask students to read the guidelines and the two points again. show the two points briefly on the screen.

when comparing: 1) read all the in formation carefully

2) make as many comparison as possible

stepⅲ practising

1. ask students to read the guidelines above the list table to know clearly what they are asked to do. then ask them to go over the list table.

2. write down the following on the blackboard. ask students to read the e-mail and find out the related information:

the title:

the price:

the year:

the writer:

ask some students to tell what information they can find about the above in the e-mail, and write down their answers on the blackboard.

the title: with the word dynasties

the price: having the figure 8

the year: after

the writer: a famous professor

ask students to compare the information written on the blackboard with the list table to see if they can find the book now.

stepⅳ reporting

1. ask students to read the guidelines and the class timetable in part a in step 2 and underline the classes that they can choose not to have. then let them compare the timetable on page 13 with the class timetable and write down the topics of the talks they can attend under the class timetable.

(generally speaking, in this step students are asking and answering questions in pairs with one pretending to be the class teacher, which sounds interesting, but actually proves quite dull in the practice. so the teacher can attempt to transform it into a memory-honing game that is simple to carry out. allow students some time to prepare. ask the students who are going to answer questions to memorize as much information about one talk as possible in the given time (say, 30 seconds). then partners exchange the identities. allow the same time for the students who take the turn to answer questions. the students who can answer more questions than their partners are the winners. for the second round, they can try to remember the details of two talks at a time. also they can change partners at their will as well. at last, a final competition can be held in the whole class. it may be another round game between boys and girls. (8 minutes))

2. ask students to read the guidelines in part b and work in pairs talking about the talks according to the programme time table on page 13 and the note in part a. one of them acts as the class teacher, the other act as the monitor. they should take turns.

ii skills building 3 and step 3


1. say the following to students:

now, you are going to write a notice to inform your classmates of the talks that they are going to attend. do you know how to write the notice and what should be included in it. (write down their answers on the blackboard.)

2. ask students to read the guidelines and the three points in skills building 3. let them compare the three points with their answers on the blackboard.

3. ask students to read the notice on page 16 and tell what they can know from the notice. ask them to point out the important information in it.

the important information (write the following on the blackboard):

event: library closed

time: next wednesday to friday, 16th to 18th november

reason: the sports meeting will be held.

when to reopen: sat.(19th. nov)

the new opening hours: monday-friday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

saturday & sunday: 10a.m.-5 p.m.

public holidays: closed

person that gives the notice: zhong shengxiao, a staff member of the school library

4. let students talk about what to do to make a notice attractive. for example, the notice should be written in big and colour words, and one or two pictures or photos are used, etc.

stepⅱ evaluating

students share their writings in groups of four, and choose the best one within 5 minutes. the teacher can decide how many to be shared in the whole class. many criteria can be adopted, such as the handwriting, the length, the degree of its attractiveness, the over-all impression it gives, etc. stick the picked ones on the blackboard after reading them aloud in class. the voters have some time to take a close look at them and then vote for the “top three”. during this period of time, the other students can state their opinions and the reasons for the support.

stepⅲ writing

1. ask students to read the guidelines in step 3 and know what to write in the notice.

2. ask students to write a notice about the talks in october inspanidually. then ask two students to present their notices on the blackboard. ask other students to make comments about these notices. (if time doesn’t permit, let the students write the notice in their exercise-books after class.)



i am happy to inform you that in october we are going to attend five interesting talks. i think we will learn a lot of information. read the following to get the detailed information about the five talks.

date day time venue subject speaker

8th oct fri 1:20p.m. room201, building4 how to read a novel famous writer

11th oct mon 2:15 p.m. room503, building3 five prevention fireman

13th oct wed 3 p.m. room404, building1 school life in the usa usa student

19th oct tue 8 a.m. room105, building2 outer space scientist

21st oct thu 2:30 p.m. room306, building2 fighting aids doctor

22nd oct fri 1:20 p.m. room204, building3 famous football players newspaper reporter

27th oct wed 10:10 a.m. room401, building2 traffic signs policeman

29th oct fri 10a.m. room303, building4 australian pop songs famous singer

iii homework

write a notice based on the following information

由于学校要举行运动会,原定于12月6号举行的演讲比赛将被推迟到12月8 号。请你带学校办公室写一则通知,告诉同学们。

memorize the words learnt in the section of task

translate the sentences in d2, p89 into english on their exercise books

ask students to preview part project

译林牛津模块 Unit 词组篇十五

teaching design for unit 3 amazing people

reading: the curse of the mummy (comprehension)

by li chen on dec 26,

aims and requirements

read an article about a famous explorer and an article about a chinese astronaut

listen to a list of requirements

talk about famous people and unknown places, and introduce a person

write a biographical article

interview a professional

summary of the passage

the passage is about a famous explorer who, with the assistance of lord carnarvon, led a team to egypt and made some unexpected discoveries in tombs. it still remains a mystery how one of his discoveries led to illness and death for many of his team members.


step 1: leading-in

1) do you still remember something from our discussion on egypt in unit 1 and unit 2?

we talked about toby traveling in egypt and people’s curiosity about how the pyramids were built. though we don’t know exactly how people at that time built them, we are quite sure of one thing, that is, all the pyramids were built for kings and queens. they expected to be buried there after their death. in spite of the harsh conditions, the egyptians created this wonder of the world with their hands. it’s said the pyramids are as magnificent as a palace inside.

2) have you ever read or thought about what is inside the pyramids?

3) are there any people buried in them?

4) what do people nowadays call those buried in tombs?

5) what are mummies and how are they made?

6) apart from mummies, are there any treasures inside the tombs of the pyramids?

7) have the tombs ever been robbed of treasures by people?

8) what happened to these people after they entered the tombs?

9) were they rich overnight?

10)what may explain the disasters that happened to those people?

step 2: fast reading for general ideas

1. pay attention to the reading strategy first before skimming the passage.

1) the article you are going to read is about a famous explorer who worked in egypt. read the article and make connections between the title and the explorer. use your imagination and express your opinions freely with each other.

what might be the connections between ‘the curse of the mummy’ and the famous explorer?

why does the writer choose ‘the curse of the mummy’ as its title here? do you think the title can grab your attention and arouse your interest?

from your point of view, what might be dealt with in the following article? can something like the explorer’s hobbies, his experiences of adventures, his achievements be covered in the article?

2) you’ve done a good job, expressing your opinions about the relationship between the title and the explorer and predicting the main contents of the article. that’s great. but to be more specific, can you anticipate what might be covered in the first paragraph of the article?

3)please read the first paragraph and discuss how the first paragraph agrees or disagrees with your predictions.

what’s the first paragraph about? is it the beginning of a story?

what does the writer tell us about the explorer in the first paragraph?

what words do you think are useful for you to predict the ideas included in the passage?

now you may find the first paragraph serves as a general introduction of howard carter, and please pay attention to the key words in the first paragraph on the blackboard:

famous, brave, adventurous, amazing

4) with the help of the key words, you may predict the content of the paragraphs that follow.

what are the following paragraphs likely to do?

will they give specific examples to support the

general description of howard carter?

exchange your ideas with your partners and then check your prediction by reading the following paragraph.

5) now let’s focus on reading strategy to review the skills of how to predict information in an article.

2. skim the passage and complete the three questions in part a.

step 3: detailed reading for important information

1. now please reread the passage and identify which statements are true and which are false. then complete part c1 on p44 inspanidually.

2. part c2 on p44. match the summaries of the paragraphs in the article

3. while reading please identify the relationships between these characters and try to retell the passage according to the following diagram.

characters who was he? what did he do? how did he die?

george gould a friend of carnarvon visited the tomb a high fever

lord carnarvon a british man interested in egypt offered carter money to explore the mysterious;

be present at the opened tomb a fever

howard carter a famous explorer especially for the discovery of king tutankhamun’s tomb in 1891 set sail for alexandria, egypt

by the 1920s searched for the tombs of the egyptian kings

in 1922 found the tomb of king tutankhamun seemed nothing to do with the tomb

richard bethell carter’s secretary entered the tomb heart trouble

step 4: post-reading activities

1. interview

a---the spokesman of howard carter

b---a journalist

b will ask a the following questions:

1) what kind of person do you think howard carter is? why?

2) to be a qualified explorer, what kind of personality do you think he/she should have?

3) do you think the personality of howard carter has had a positive effect on his discoveries?

4) as for students, what sorts of personalities does a student have to possess?

5) compared with the amazing persons such as mother teresa, bill gates, beethoven, zhang heng, do you think howard carter is as great as them?

6) do you think the mummy’s curse really exists? why?

step 5: homework

1. parts d and e on p44 and p45.

2. write a summary about howard carter in a few sentences.