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时间:2023-06-12 12:25:06 来源:晨阳文秘网





Ⅰ.将下列句子与相应的图片配对。A. B. C. D. E.( ) 1. It’s very cold today. People are wearing hats and sweaters.( ) 2. Children like to play in the snow on snowy days.( ) 3. Bill, please tell Jack to bring his notebook here tomorrow.( ) 4. Uncle Wang and his friend often take photos in the mountain.( ) 5. My mother says that we must obey the traffic rules.Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 那件毛衣你穿正合适。That sweater is just ________ ________ you.2. 汤姆想买些苹果带回家。Tom wants to buy some apples ________ ________ ________.3. 大家好,很高兴再次见到你们。Hello, everyone. I’m very happy _______ _______ you again.4. 中国北部有许多高山。There are many ________ ________ the north of China.5. 迈克正在给他的狗拍照。Mike is ________ ________ ________ ________ his dog.Ⅲ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。1. It’s very cold today. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ ________ today?2. My summer vacation is pretty good. (对划线部分提问)_______ _______ your summer vacation?3. They are having fun in Canada. (改为同义句)They are ________ ________ ________ ________ in Canada.4. Coco is a very smart dog. (改为反意疑问句)Coco is a very smart dog, _______ _______?5. Mike studies with his friends on Sunday.(用now改写句子)Mike _______ _______ with his friends now.参考答案;Ⅰ. 1–5 DBCEAⅡ. 1. right for 2. to take home 3. to see 4. mountains in 5. taking a photo ofⅢ. 1. How’s the weather 2. How is 3. having a good time 4. isn’t it 5. is studying




































































短文首字母Units 1-4(1)Our school is very beautiful. There are many k 1 trees and flowers here,so the air here is very c 2 . I can hear birds singing.It"s so b 3 .On the p 4 ,you can see the students play b 5 .Sometimes our teacher play with u 6 .We feel very h 7 .In each class,there are many pictures in the wall.The teachers work very hard.They love us as if we were their children.When we m 8 some problems,our teachers often help us.In our school,the teachers and students are like f 9 .I love our school.I wish our school will have many m 10 building, get more and more beautiful! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (2)Every year there is a Spring Festival in C 1 . Usually it is in J 2 or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes,everyone has to prepare things. They buy pork,beef,chicken,fruits and many o 3 things. And they often make a s 4 kind of food—“dumplings”. It means “come together”. On the day before the festival,parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy new p 5 for their parents. On the Festival Eve(除夕),all the family m 6 come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. They sing ,dance and play all k 7 of games.Others get the dinner ready. When they e 8 the meal,they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. Children usually g 9 some Lucky Money(压岁钱)。At 12:00,people let off fireworks to w 10 the coming of Spring Festival.All the people,rich or poor,old or young,are the happiest at this time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (3)I usually g 1 up at six.I have milk and bread f 2 breakfast.After breakfast,I go to school b 3 bus.I get to school at seven.I have five classes in the morning.And then I have lunch at s 4 .In the afternoon I have two classes.I go h 5 at four.I get home at 4:30 p.m.I h 6 supper at about six.After d 7 ,I do my h 8 .I go to b 9 at eight.My life is b 10 but not exciting.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 任务型阅读 Units1-4 American schools begin in September.After a long summer holiday,all the teachers and students come back to school. There are two terms in a school year.the first term is from september to january, and the second is from february to june. Most american children begin to go to school when they are five years old,and finish high school when they are seventeen.High school students take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day and have homework for every class. After class,they do many interesting things.After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small college or a large one. They usually have to get a lot of money to pay for their studies.根据短文内容,完成下列句子。每空仅限一词。1.The new in America begins in September,and not only teachers but also students should to school.2.The American children start to go to school the of five.3. Each term there are only four or five for students to in high school.At 10.a.m..We go to the music room for the first lesson of the day. My friends and I sing our favourite songs. After music class,it is time to go to the computer room. The teacher teaches some new computer games. Then it is time for lunch. There is an "English Day" in the dining hall, so we talk in English and eat English food. Then I have some ice cream. School food is really good.After lunch,I go to the playground for sport. A famous basketball player teachers us how to play basketball.I think I do it well.But football is my number one game. Then we go to the school cinema. We watch Jurassic Park(《侏罗纪公园》) to help us with our homework on dinosaurs(恐龙). After the film it is time to get on the bus and go home. I have noodles after I get home. Then I do my homework and read Harry Potter.What a happy dream school day!My Dream SchoolTime Activities FeelingsIn the morning Class 1 at 10 o"clock.And there are only two lessons,Music and 3 . They are 2 and funny.At noon We have good 4 food for lunch. It"s a special day.In the 5 We learn how to play 6 on the playground and watch the film in the school 7 . Sports can make us 8 and the films is 9 our homework.In the evening I do my homework and 10 Harry Potter. I like the story very much.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.





Unit1 My name’s Gina .

(SectionA 1a—2c)







通过学习,使学生掌握新单词,并学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型“What's your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is…”,Nice to meet you!并且培养学生结交新朋友的能力。


采用Practicing, Listening和Role playing的学习策略,利用图片或多媒体课件展开Pair work、Group work的口语交际活动,询问他人姓名、查询电话号码,了解有关姓名的文化知识并制作个性名片。





1.使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型: What's your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is …. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too.





1.通过介绍自己,引导学生学习打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型“What’s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is…”




学生任务一:  熟悉掌握本课词汇

1. 教师呈现图画让学生观察物品。What can you see in the picture?(For example, I can see a window.)

(Well, let’s see. Would you like to repeat after me)



学生任务二:  介绍自己并询问他人姓名

练习对话:A: Hello, I am Gina. What's your name?

          B: My name is Alan.



1. 1c.Practice the conversations and role-play the conversations.(给学生2-3分钟时间准备,两个一组练习对话,然后互相问候,学生先点评,教师作总点评)







(四)自主提升 ,知识升华。


(B)1. _______your name? My name is Gina.

A. What   B. What's        C. Who      D. which

(D)2. ——Good morning, Miss Wang!


  A. Hello           B. Hi   

C. Nice to meet you  D. Good morning  

(A)3. I _______Sally, What______ your name? 

  A. am , is   B. is , am    C. is , is   D. am, am

(C)4. ______name is Li lei.

  A. I      B. I am    C. My     D. you

(D)5.— _______, What's your name ?

    — John Green .

  A. Hi     B. Ok     C. sorry     D. Excuse me

Ⅱ.写出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思。

 I'm (I am)     what's (what is)   name 's (name is)


 (1)见到你很高兴。(Nice to meet you.)

 (2) 我叫王小雨。

(My name is Wang Xiaoyu.)

 (3)你叫什么名字?  (What’s your name.)     


  A: Good afternoon!

  B: _______________ (Good afternoon!)

  A; I am Lucy. ___________ (What’s your name?)

  B: My name is Jim. Nice to meet you!

  A: _____________ (Nice to meet you!)



2.概括总结语法点以及句型“What’s your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is….”




1.通过介绍自己来导入新课,让学生对“What’s your/his/her name?

 My/His/Her name is…有很深的印象。










1.通过对学,巩固His/her name’s…,激活背景知识,扫除语言障碍并顺利过渡到提问句型:

What’s his / her name?



1.2c通过群学,让优等生帮助后进生。此过程,体现了“赶”“帮” “超”









第2题考查问候“Good morning”时的答语。

















1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________


6. What language does Ann’s pen pal speak?

A. English. B. French. C. English and French.

7. Where does John’s uncle live?

A. He lives in Canada. B. He lives in Australia. C. He lives in America.

8. Does Jim like English?

A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. He doesn’t know.

9. What club does the girl want to join?

A. The English club. B. The Chinese club. C. The French club.

10. What country are they from?

A. Australia. B. America. C. Canada.


11. A. Yes, he can. B. No, she can’t. C. Yes, but only a little.

12. A. They are from the United States. B. They live in New York.

C. They speak English.

13. A. Chinese. B. America. C. Japan.

14. A. He is 25. B. He is from Canada. C. No, he is from England.

15. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, it is. C. I don’t know.


16. Where are Jim and Sue from?

A. America. B. Australia. C. Canada.

17. How many(多少) people are there(有) in their (他们的) family?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

18. Can Mr Brown speak English?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. Yes, but only a little.

19. What does Mrs Brown like doing?

A. Swimming and reading. B. Playing games. C. Swimming and cooking.

20. What does Mrs Brown do?

A. She is a housewife(家庭主妇). B. She is a doctor(医生). C. She is a teacher.



1. John’s pen pal is from C________. He lives in Toronto.

2. What l___________ do American people speak?

3. I like p__________ sports with my friends after school.

4. Paris is a city of F_________.

5. Do you have a_________ brothers or sisters?

6. My pen pal is from Japan. He speaks ___________(日语) .

7. There are(有) many ___________(国家) in the world.

8. —What is her ___________(最喜欢的) subject? —English.

9. He can do Chinese Kungfu. He thinks it’s ___________(兴奋的).

10. I like math, but I ___________(不喜欢) science.


11. New York is _________ the United States.

A. in B. from C. at D. near

12. Where _________ your English teacher ________ from?

A. is, come B. does, come C. does, / D. do, come

13. The Greens(格林一家) are _____ the United Kingdom, but they live ____Beijing now.

A. in, from B. from, in C. in, at D. of, at

14. People in Australia speak _________.

A. English B. Japanese C. Singapore D. Chinese

15. My mother likes going to the movies with her friends and sports.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

16. The two girls are _________. They speak _________.

A. American, English B. America, English

C. America, America D. Americans, America

17. My birthday is ________ November.

A. at B. on C. in D. /

18. I _________ think he ________ a good student.

A. don’t, isn’t B. don’t, is C./, / D. do, isn’t

19. —Where is Sydney? — In __________.

A. the United States B. Canada C. Australia D. the United Kingdom

20. She can speak only ______ English and French.

A. a little B. many C. little D. any

21. Please write ________ me soon!

A. for B. with C. to D. from

22. Andy thinks China is ________ interesting country.

A. a B. / C. an D. the

23. ________ does your pen pal live?

A. What B. Where C. When D. Why

24. —What language do you speak? —__________.

A. Yes, I do. B. Only a little. C. English. D. No, I can’t.

25. Please write and tell us _______ yourself.

A. in B. for C. about D. to

26. Does Mike have _________ dictionaries _________ erasers?

A. some, and B. any, or C. any, and D. some, or

27. I often go to movies _________ my friends.

A. and B. with C. for D. of

28. _______ Jim _______ an English-Chinese dictionary?

A. Do, have B. Does, has C. Do, has D. Does, have

29. — Thank you very much. — ________.

A. You are OK B. You are welcome C. That’s right. D. I don’t know.

30. like English very much. We can speak English.

A. I and my pen pal B. My pen pal and I

C. My pen pal with I D. My pen pal to me


Dear Friend ,

My name is Simon. I___31___in Ottawa, Canada, and I want to have a pen pal in __32____ . I think China is a great and __33_____country . I’m 14 years old and my __34___ is in November. I can speak English and a little French . I have a brother, Paul and a ___35__, Sarah. ___36___have pen pals in England and Australia. I like going to the movies __37___ my friends and __38___sports. My favorite subject is P.E. It’s ___39___. But I don’t like physics. It’s too ___40___.

Can you write to me soon ?

31. A. study B. work C. like D. live

32. A. Australia B. England C. China D. Canada

33. A. interesting B. old C. small D. boring

34. A. birthday B. favorite day C. favorite month D. birth date

35. A. mother B. father C. brother D. sister

36. A. You B. They C. We D. Brothers

37. A. for B. to C. with D. by

38. A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays

39. A. fun B. a fun C. tired D. by

40. A. exciting B. bore C. difficult D. different


41. My uncle lives in Singapore.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ your uncle _______?

42. I like going to the movies with my friends. (对划线部分提问)

________ do you like ________ with your friends?

43. He wants to find a pen pal in China. (改为否定句)

He _______ ________ to find a pen pal in China.

44. I have some interesting books. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you have ________ interesting books?

45. He speaks English.(对划线部分提问)

____ _____ ____ he _____?

46. Where is his pen pal from? (同义句转换)

Where ________ his pen pal _______ _______?

47. English is my favorite subject. ( 对划线部分提问)



Her name is Mary. She comes from America. She is in China with her father and mother. She can speak a little Chinese. She is a student in No. 80 Middle School in Tianjin. She is in the same(同样) school as her parents. She is a good student. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. She likes getting up early(早). She doesn’t like to be late(晚). She often goes to school very early. But today she gets up late. So she gets to the classroom at 7:30, but there aren’t any students in it. She is not late. She is still(仍然) early. It’s Saturday today. The students are all at home.

48. Mary is from _________.

A. America B. China C. No. 80 Middle School D. Tianjin

49. Mary’s parents work in _______.

A. Beijing B. America C. Tianjin D. a factory (工厂)

50. Mary doesn’t like to __________.

A. go to school B. be late C. get up early D. live in China

51. Nobody is in the classroom because _________.

A. it’s Saturday B. Mary gets to the classroom so early

C. the students are outside (在外面) D. it’s 7:30 now

52. Every morning Mary gets to the classroom _________ 7:30.

A. at B. after C. before(在……以前) D. in


Mom: Is that your new pen 53 , Nancy ?

Nancy: Yes, it is.

Mom: What’s her 54 ?

Nancy: 55 name is Maria.

Mom: Uh-huh. And where is she 56 ?

Nancy: Um, she’s from 57 .

Mom: Uh-huh. 58 does she live?

Nancy: She lives 59 Toronto.

Mom: Does she have 60 brothers and sisters?

Nancy: Yes .She has two brothers and two sisters.

Mom: Does she 61 English ?

Nancy: Yes. She speaks English and 62 .



Name: Andrew King

Age: 15

Birthday: October 19

From: China

Language: Chinese and English (a little)

School: No.2 Middle School

Favorite Subjects: Art and P.E.(relaxing)

Favorite Movie: Mr. Bean(funny)

Favorite sport: soccer

Family: brother(Sam), sister(Nancy)

Unit 1



1. Japan 2. France 3. China 4. Canada 5. Australia


6. W: This is my new pen pal. She’s from Canada. M: What language does she speak, Ann?

W: She speaks English and French.

7. W: Who’s that, John? M: He’s my uncle. He lives in New Work.

8. W: I like English very much. What about you, Jim?

M: I don’t think so. My favorite subject is science.

9. W: Dad, I want to join a club this year. M: Really? The English club?

W: No, the French club.

10. W: I’m from Washington. Where are you from? M: I’m from New Work.


11. Can Jodie and Andrew speak Chinese? 12. Where are they from?

13. What language can you speak? 14. Is your pen pal from Canada?

15. Is that your new pen pal?


Mr and Mrs Brown are from Sydney. They teach English in a Middle School in China. They like their work. They have a son and a daughter, Jim and Sue. They’re all in Xiamen now. Mr Brown can speak Chinese. He likes swimming and reading. And Mrs Brown likes swimming in the afternoon and cooking. Jim and Sue like playing games.


听力:Ⅰ、1. China 2. France 3. Australia 4. Canada 5. Japan

Ⅱ、 6~10 C C A C B Ⅲ、11~15 C A A C B Ⅳ、16~20 B B A C C

笔试:Ⅰ、1. Canada 2. language 3. playing 4. France 5. any 6. Japanese 7. countries

8. favorite 9. exciting 10. dislike

Ⅱ、11~15 A B B A D 16~20 A C B C A 21~25 C C B C C 26~30 B B D B B

Ⅲ、31~35 D C A A D 36~40 B C B A C

Ⅳ、41.Where does live 42. What doing 43. doesn’t want 44. do any

45. What language does speak 46. does come from 47.What’s your favorite subject