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时间:2023-07-16 08:55:06 来源:晨阳文秘网



黄山宏村导游词 第1篇














黄山宏村导游词 第2篇

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Huangshan scenic area. I"m Xie Kaizheng, the tour guide of Huangshan Travel Agency. I"m very glad to serve you today. I"ll try my best to provide you with satisfactory service. Please criticize and correct the deficiencies.

Before visiting Huangshan scenic spot, please allow me to introduce Huangshan Scenic Spot: Huangshan scenic spot is one of the famous scenic spots in China and a world tourist attraction. It is located in Huangshan City in the south of Anhui Province. Its main peak is Lianhua peak, with an altitude of 1864 meters. Huangshan is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone. Due to the deep valley, the climate changes vertically. At the same time, because the north and south slopes are greatly radiated by the sun, the local topography plays a leading role in the climate, forming the climate characteristics of more clouds, higher temperature and more precipitation. The Ming Dynasty travelers who visited Huangshan left behind the famous saying "don"t look at the mountains when the five mountains return, and don"t look at the mountains when the Huangshan Mountains return.". Huangshan is famous for its sea of clouds, hot springs, strange pines, strange rocks, and four wonders.

Let"s talk about the "strange stone" of Huangshan first. The most famous "Xiantao stone" is just like a peach flying down from the sky and landing on a huge stone plate on the top of the mountain. "Immortal guides the way" is more interesting. From a distance, it seems that it is pointing out the direction of the exit to me.

Well, in order to make you have a good time, I won"t say so much. Please don"t litter, be a polite tourist and don"t go to dangerous places. Have a good time. Bye!





黄山宏村导游词 第3篇

Dear tourists, welcome to the famous Huangshan scenic spot. I"m your guide. My surname is Lu. You can call me Xiao Lu. Some friends may not be familiar with Huangshan. Now let me introduce them to you.

Huangshan, the first of three mountains and five mountains, has been listed in the world heritage list. There is a saying that "when the five mountains come back, they don"t look at the mountains, and when Huangshan comes back, they don"t look at the mountains." in this way, the beauty of Huangshan really shakes the world.

Tourists, now we are at the foot of Tiandu peak. The peak is 1829.5 meters high, behind Guangmingding and lianhuafeng. You look up, and there are mountains looming. Have you heard of the "four wonders of Huangshan"? Yes, the "four wonders of Huangshan" are strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs.

I have just introduced to you the spectacular "four wonders of Huangshan". Now I will show you to see them with my own eyes. At this moment, we came to the Qisong, this is the top ten pines in the sea, on the back of the crucian carp. The pines are vigorous and straight, also known as "little welcoming pines". If you look into the distance, the odd shaped stones are Huangshan grotesque stones. Each piece of strange stone has a different shape. There are immortal guides, flying stones, monkeys watching the sea and so on. I will not elaborate on them one by one.

Now we come to the famous Huangshan Hot Spring. It is said that Huangshan Hot spring can cure all kinds of diseases. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, some people suffered from skin moss. They only went there once and were cured immediately. In our daily life, Huangshan Hot Spring does have the effect of treating dermatophytes.

Dear tourists, our journey is over today. I hope to see you next time!







黄山宏村导游词 第4篇








我们现在走进的就是笃敬堂了,这里是大家胡积堂的一处居所,一进厅堂,首先映入眼前的是一幅遗像,画的就是胡积堂和他的三位夫人,大家猜一下这三位夫人哪位是大夫人哪位是二夫人哪位是三夫人?呵呵,一般人的思维都会觉得年老色衰者为大夫人,如果这样猜,那可就大错特错了,告诉大家吧,他的大夫人红颜薄命年纪轻轻就离世,所以容颜仍然俊美,因此,根据她们的排列顺序来判断,还是比较准确的,然后咱们再来看一下胡积堂的服饰,他头戴蓝宝石花翎,身着补服,一看就知道他是一位三品大员了,怎么看出来的呢?这要涉及到我国古代官衔着装及饰物的知识了,在古代,红宝石为一品、红珊瑚为二品、蓝宝石为三品,文官佩戴家禽图案,武官佩戴野兽图案,细看一下 ,胡积堂衣服上饰有家禽图案,因此我们说他是一位三品文官。笃敬堂最具特色的当数这两侧的楹联了“读书好营商好效好便好,创业难守业难知难不难”,联文将营商和读书相提并论,表达了徽商渴求提高自身地位的愿望。


黄山宏村导游词 第5篇













黄山宏村导游词 第6篇

人们都说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”我竟也有机会来到黄山 ,欣赏黄山壮丽的景色。













黄山宏村导游词 第7篇

Hello, tourists! Welcome to the World Heritage Huangshan scenic area. I"m very happy to be your guide this time! My name is Xia Zehao. Just call me Xiao Xia.

Have you ever heard of "Five Mountains return without seeing mountains, Huangshan Mountain return without seeing mountains?" This sentence! I"ve heard what I haven"t heard once. You"ve heard it this time. Now I"d like to ask one or two more questions. Have you ever heard of the strange pines and rocks in Huangshan! Today I"ll take you to see the wonderful pines in Huangshan.

Now we come to the place where the Pinus taiwanensis grows the most. We should pay attention to the fact that the pine trees in Huangshan can survive in the cracks of rocks. How tenacious their vitality is! They have many shapes and different postures: Black Tiger pine, dragon claw pine, LIANLI pine and Yingke pine. Pine trees are named because of their own shape! Yingke pine is one of the famous scenic spots in Huangshan Mountain. The key point of its fame is its unusual shape: its trunk is 7 or 6 meters long, five of which are as tall as me. Its two side branches spread forward, like a hospitable host. Its strong branches are like powerful shoulder arms, which welcome every visitor to the mountain. After a while, we can enjoy the photos as a souvenir.

The wonders of Huangshan can not be said for ten years. Now please enjoy Huangshan! Please do not litter or go to dangerous places when you are playing. Have a good time! This is the end of today. I"ll see you next time.





黄山宏村导游词 第8篇


Hello, everyone. Welcome to the two day tour of anhui travel organization. I"m anhui trip travel tour guides my name is tang, you can call me xiao tang, beside is open in the vehicle master surnamed Chen, Chen teacher for 15 years of driving experience, by his driving you can rest assured, as the saying goes, there is companion come from afar? I have the honor to meet with you, and I will accompany you on the following days. I hope you can pass me into the west to understand hongcun in this short time. In driving on the way, in order to avoid accident, please don"t put your head, hands, out the window, in the bus on the way to travel is our second home, please pay attention to the health to keep the car, if you have any requirements, can tell me directly, I will try my best to service for you. Please note that our car is blue and white gold dragon, please notice when you get on and off the bus.

It is located 8 km east of yixian county. It was founded in the reign of emperor of the northern song dynasty. It is nearly a thousand years old. It is a kind of communal settlement village, which is typical of clan blood ties and generations of generations. Western delivery, 700 meters long, 300 meters north and south. Higher than the view, the scale of the scale of the ancient residential buildings like a boat shape. , according to research: XiDi humanism not surnamed hu, it is recorded in the county annals, surprisingly Hu Zu (history has called XiDi surprisingly), the li, emperor tang zhaozong Li Yezi chang wing male, for avoid Liang Taizu chu wen, yukon in wuyuan the hu, from dynasty.

The origin of the name.

Xichuan, formerly known as xichuan. Why is it called the western delivery? There are two kinds of speaking: the ancient here is the main road, there is a post station, for the transmission of official documents and officials to rest, the station is also known as the delivery shop, so xichuan called the western delivery shop.

Speak another kind of method is: the sons of the ancient Chinese myths and legends of gong gong and snake-body ZhuanXu (zhuanxu) for mercy, gong gong, anger, a touch not island, island not be shored up the pillars of heaven and earth, of gong gong hit bad mountain, causing the sky falls down on me, makes the ground water flow toward the east, and it is strange that flows through surprisingly two stream flow is east to west, the east water XiDi, surprisingly, also known as XiDi

Happy times are always fast, ladies and gentlemen: please look ahead to the west pass. Please don"t rush, take your belongings, wait for the car to stop and then get off. All right, let"s all come down. Let"s take a short break and check again if there"s anything missing. We"re going to visit the Ming and qing museum in China. Ladies and gentlemen, please come with me now, and you can see this exquisite walking house in the head of this village is called lingyun pavilion, which was built in the qing dynasty. According to the legend of the People"s Republic of China, the three families of hu, who was the richest man in the world, were created to welcome the family of shexian and the prime minister of the dynasty, cao zhenyong. Today, the building is reconstructed according to the layout of the year, and the adjacent seven zhe temple relics.

The trace becomes a scenic spot. The floor is divided into two layers, the powder wall is motile, and the cornice is pointed. Now, there are performances such as huangmei opera, throwing balls and tea ceremony. There is a single - hole stone arch bridge downstairs, named wu geng ancient bridge. Xixi flowing water ripples around the horse building, across the bridge, and here you can enjoy one of the eight sceneries in the west. Unfortunately, it is not the night, but we should not regret it, the more beautiful still ahead. See this hu wenguang card building, is not a little familiar? In 1999, the building of the kunming expo emblem was made according to the ratio of 1:0.7 of hu wenguang"s memorial hall. It represented the building of one of the three unique buildings in huizhou.

After hu wenguang, he entered the village of xidian. The first thing that came into sight was ruiyu.

The column in the hall is hung with this couplet. Could someone please read this couplet for me? Did you find it wrong? Top allied happy every from hard work and a little less quickly than the symplectic words more than a horizontal, bottom allied cheaper since loses more than a little less lost words more, XiDi reputation has the culture of the township, the village in the reading of everywhere, why make such a write a typo couplet hanging the hundred odd years, during what is the secret?

It turns out that this couplet is a successful businessman"s business and philosophy of life, which is incisive and incisive. They think that a lot of hard work is a happy, in the hard work can get happiness and happiness, from the loss of experience, the heart to be honest. That was the motto of the huizhou merchants, with good faith, good faith, and the spirit of the camel, and the glory of the past. There are two couplets in the hall, besides the couplets with business lines. That is, longevity is the essence of benevolence; Diligent can make up for the poor, the industry of thrift can start from the five lun, the article six classics.

Good, don"t sigh, then, let"s go to the peach garden, plum garden was built in the four years of the qing xianfeng (1854), the front office north to three rooms, carved wooden floor skirt with embedded fu, lu, shou, four characters, chic and elegant in the hall is relatively narrow, leading to the hall, there is a wall, in order to ensure that the hall bright lighting and ventilation, in addition to open a patio, around the hall upstairs put a wooden arch phase in the upstairs Wells, this unique design has been gloriously enrolled in ancient residential housing is very rare. The central hall leads to the back hall of the hall wall, stone engraved with the early qing dynasty calligraphers yixian county people in the taohua yuan family. The rear hall on both sides of the wall is equipped with six wooden screen doors, the lacquer carved ouyang xiu wrote "the drunk pavilion", the calligraphy is vigorous and powerful, freely. The author huang yuanzhi is a man from xiwuhuang village, yixian county.

It may be strange to know that there are so many people in the world of calligraphy, who are not famous calligraphers. Why do you want to hang a work that is not a well-known calligrapher? In the past, the ancestors of the western people had always been proud of the king"s descendants, and the children of education were loyal to the people. They offered moral lessons to cultivate their morality and morality. huang

Yuan was blessed the people lined up official, he positively in xi "an, known as green vegetables satrap, school year salary for most of the funding difficulties of youth, old age home, remain uncorrupted, had to stay in the clan ancestral hall. The master of taoli garden has invited him to teach in the west and hang his works, which is to let posterity study huang yuanzhi and be a loyal and loyal servant of the people. It can be said that huizhou people started to do the clean government from the doll hundreds of years ago.

Because of the ancient importance of the moral education, hundreds of feudal officials from the west since the Ming and qing dynasties, none of them were corrupt officials who defiled their ancestors.

After visiting several scenes, you must be tired and hungry. Now give everyone an hour to eat and rest.

Good morning! Farewell to the ancient Chinese historical museum of ancient China, the west pass, today will take you to visit the village in the Chinese painting - hongcun. Before reaching the destination, please allow me to give you an overview of hongcun. Hongcun is located in the northeast of yixian county, 10 kilometers from the county seat. Hongcun was built in the southern song shaoxi period (11901194), and it has been inhabited for more than 800 years. The whole village of hongcun is shaped like a cow, so it is known as the cow shaped village. Village in high forceful LeiGangShan for cow, full of green mountain verdant trees is the cow cow, full of green mountain verdant trees are cattle tau kok, village rows of buildings is a bull, rippling lake basin as the cattle stomach and tripe, hall around the house, the serpentine curved artificial facilities are beef intestine, the edge of the four wooden bridge for cattle, hong cun becomes like a head of cattle lies in the lush, rice paddies of the hill.

The village has a similar grid of streets and lanes, paved with granite, through the artificial water system of every household to form a unique water lane space. In the center of the village center, it is centered around the crescent moon, and the surrounding area is surrounded by houses and ancestral halls, with strong cohesion. Looking at hongcun, the village outside the green water show, the red willow; The village clear canal around the house, all year round the water channel that is clear and clear is like gentle silver belt, winding village. Most local-style dwelling houses in our village to the introduction of the data of water inside the house, started building has been gloriously enrolled in a distinctive pattern of waterside pavilion houses, formed the Ming door, sipping curriculum dark flowing hall obscene, huan brook brook road and artistic value and bogs and south lake water, set off the building of of primitive simplicity, remained in the mountains surrounded by vitality, more show macro ban unique living environment and landscape value.

There are 158 houses built in Ming and qing dynasties, of which 137 are kept intact. The whole village construction not only has a beautiful environment, reasonable function layout, elegant architectural modeling, and closely in harmony with nature, to create a scientific, living environment and rich taste of life, is one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese traditional local-style dwelling houses. The three sculptures in the building are amazing, and the carving knife is as fine and smooth as the paper-cut in the north. Large and small application, sparse and dense processing, the contrast between thick and thin is unique.

All right, say that to arrive at the scenic spot of hongcun, the paper has to come to a light, aware of this matter to do, now please get off the trip through the cow!

黄山宏村导游词 第9篇

黄山,古称黟山,黟县因山而得名。黟县境内的群峰与黄山连为一体,在历史上曾阴碍了古黟与外部交往,造就了黟县“世外桃源”般的生态环境。中国著名古代文学家陶渊明受到这一特定环的启发,写下了不朽名篇《桃花源记》,从而黟县自古享有:“桃花源里人家”的美誉。黟触到 内至今仍存有保护完整的古民居3600幢,为皖南之首。宏村、西递、南屏、关麓屏山等古民居建筑村落布局严谨,工艺精湛,蕴藏着极其丰富的文化遗产,是中外游客向往的旅游胜地。






黄山宏村导游词 第10篇





